Le 2013-01-17 10:09, Charles-H. Schulz a écrit :
Hello Marc,

"Marc Paré"<m...@marcpare.com>  a écrit :

Hi Eliane and Italo

Le 2013-01-17 06:06, Italo Vignoli a écrit :
On 1/17/13 5:04 AM, Marc Paré wrote:

We have a list of these items on our Conference kit page[2]. We have
booth at Scale that we will need to help organize for Jean.

The BoD has just agreed to use MOO minicards for BoD and MC members,
Jean will receive her business cards for SCALE.

If you want to have a look at the layout, you can find it here:
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/116590/minicards.pdf (just look at the visual
layout). We have agreed to use the following standard title: Member,
Board of Directors instead of Director, xxx, as in the example.

Eliane: Thanks. Once you upload the source files I will put up a link

Italo: Thanks. Could I upload this to the wiki and then link to it on
the wiki resources page? If you use if for BoD and MC members, could we

also expand it for use by TDF members and conference business cards?
Then we would all carry the same cards and this would add to the
visibility of our brand.

BTW ... I know that we are not to print business cards freely, I just
want to leave examples on the wiki resources page so that we can refer
to these the next time someone asks about them. We are normally asked
about them close to conference times when people are busy.

BTW .. I have been looking at VistPrint which serves both the N.&  S.
Americas and Europe[1]. They also sell conference booth materials,
clothing and other marketing items that seems reasonably priced. We
could purchase from them as well. If we approached them, they may give
us corporate discount if we were to purchase all our items from them.
Their printing locations are in Windsor, Canada (next the the US
border), you can virtually yell across the river to our American
from there, and, Venlo IT. They also have an office in Paris.[2]

It looks like they could serve a good part of our needs in these
geographical areas. We would have to find another service such as them
for the Asian, Arabian, African etc. markets. But it looks like
VistaPrint could also serve these markets as well.

IMO, VistaPrint would be a good choice of supplier for the
TDF/LibreOffice. We have been talking about a TDF/LibreOffice store for

quite a while, and I think it would be more efficient to get VistaPrint

to work out a TDF/LibreOffice group of products that could support our
needs. IMO we would not be efficient enough to support a LibreOffice
store, we just lack the manpower to do this.

That's a different project altogether but it's true that I don't see us pushimg 





[1] www.vistaprint.ca
[2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vistaprint

If you would like someone to lead on this project, I would be willing to work on it. We have talked about this since the start of the TDF/LibreOffice project. At some point we should make a move toward dealing with it.

I have time to work on it.



Marc Paré
parEntreprise.com Supports OpenDocument Formats (ODF)
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