On 02/13/2013 11:04 AM, Marc Paré wrote:
Le 2013-02-13 09:57, Eliane Domingos de Sousa a écrit :

In fact, it's my dream! But I need volunteers to help us. Today, only me
and Vera are doing the diagramation. We have 3 volunteers to do the

My ideia when I share the project and the file ODG file is to stimulate
the others countries to create the magazine others languages and others

About the language, we have the same problem, we have to translate all
the materials created in English for Portuguese. We need to translate
the software, the post of blogs and the manuals. We have very few
volunteers to help with translation.

I hope you don't be upset with me. If we had more volunteers helping, we
would certainly have an English version.


This item comes up every 6 months or so.

We put together a team, but, it gets stalled every time we tried to get it off the ground. You can find the link, of course, on our marketing wiki page in the "Generic Stuff" section[1] and the team members of LibreOffice Magazine International have all signed up. It has been a while, so all of the participants would have to be re-contacted to verify their involvement.

We would need mentorship from the BR-Pt team to help set up the structure and guide us with the ins/outs of using Draw. The commitment, is the same as the BR-PT team, the magazine must use LibreOffice as its publication tool.

I had put my name down as a helper, but as in all thing, we would need a strong commitment from at least a couple of individuals who would work at it consistently in order to publish the magazine on a regular basis.

Should we try again?

Anyone saying yes to this should commit to working on the magazine! It is easy to give a +1 / Yes and whatever, but we need people to help and contribute rather than keep suggesting and then back away and watch the discussions fizzle and die!


[1] https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Marketing

We really NEED something like this BR-PT magazine for English and the other "major" languages. It would be a real helper to our marketing work to have something like this.

Since I do not read their language, I just looked at the design and I really think it would work for the younger users, or "younger at heart" users. College age and younger. If I could read the text, then I might see that it could be for other users as well, but I cannot.

The design look and feel is really great.

If we could just get enough people together to create such a magazine for English, it would be something I could use as a potential item to hand out or at least have them as part of the promotional web pages for LO.

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