Le 18.09.2014 20:27, Jean-Francois Nifenecker a écrit :

Le 18/09/2014 14:05, Charles-H. Schulz a écrit :

On 18 septembre 2014 12:49:50 CEST, Cor Nouws <oo...@nouenoff.nl>
Florian Effenberger wrote on 18-09-14 12:13:

So you suggest we do not experiment with anything?

it's just my personal opinion - if each project hosts their
somewhere else, chaos will break free. Plus, the entry barrier
for Redmine is much higher than for a mailing list, which makes
me fear
would exclude people if we exclusively focus on that.

I've only read Charles initial mail (well and this short one) What
I thought of:

RedMine is great. Project focussed working. OK Furthermore: I think
additionally a mailing list is important. Just that people can ask
questions. Or to send some not one x/y/z.. Also, if just all great
ideas are added (sometimes it may look like dumping) at Redmine,
wouldn't that incline the risk of causing a mess. Could be
coordinated via mail ;/

Yes indeed.

Charles: you think of doing all that via the discuss-list ??

Well the point is to ensure that the discussions remain on the
discuss list abd the work goes on Redmine. To answer Florian: I think
today we have metrics showing we do not gain any contributors through
the marketing mailing list but spend lots of energy maintaining it. I
suggest we refrain from posting on it for 1 month and see how we feel
about it...

I, for one, am subscribed to the libreoffice Marketing and the Design
lists (among others). Both lists "managers" (sorry, can't find an
appropriate wording here) have decided to go the Redmine route. I
understand this is much better for the workflows.

I have to say that I appreciate receiving news through the lists
channels, even though I don't post much. Stopping these channels won't
bring information any more to the public about what's going on, the
design paths that are taken. Thus, to me, as I probably won't have much
time to visit the LibreOffice Redmines, the project life will now turn
to be much on the stupid users side and I shall be deprived from much

There are no stupid users :-)
Anyway, the answer to your concern is that you can follow the activity on RedMine (anything from task, issues and comments on these) by susbcribing to the Atom feed. Just like with email, you can use your email client, your browser, or an online service for that: https://redmine.documentfoundation.org/projects/marketing/issues look down right the screen for the link.

The problem you raise, however, deserves a better answer. You can of course follow a mailing list, but it's been two years since there has been several talks, not just here, about the need for the community to be aware of everything's happening in the project. the LOWN initiative, presently on the wiki, is probably a much better way to follow what's going on as well, and at some point it will have to become as rich in its form as it already is with its content. By which I mean that we are going to have to think about not just the newsletter format, but also about an online platform allowing anyone to subscribe and follow it in several ways (RSS, email, Twitter, etc.)

I think leaving the Design and Marketing lists is a big mistake. Many
people might be like me: listening much and speaking little. The fact
that there's little incoming traffic doesn't mean there's no interest.

Hence, I join my voice to Florian's one and kindly ask for a second
thought on both the concerned lists.

Well, I'd like us to have an experiment on our work first - and right now it has become obvious to many that this list is not serving much either. Could I ask you and others for a month to subscribe to the activity feeds on RedMine and then tell us about your experience afterwards?



Jean-Francois Nifenecker, Bordeaux

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