On 12/17/2015 02:53 PM, Justin W. Flory wrote:
> I see. How often were meetings happening in the past? From my
> perspective, I think maybe the frequency as well as the organizational
> pre-meeting plans could be adjusted. I know for the CommOps group, we
> have a very rough outline of "things to cover" in the meetings in a wiki
> outline. Additionally, having ticket-oriented meetings also seems to
> have had decent success with the Design Team. Perhaps we could try to
> incorporate tickets as a central part of our meetings?

Tickets wouldn't hurt. It's been a while so I don't recall how much we
were using Trac at the time, but it couldn't hurt.

It seems to me it was weekly for a while, then bi-weekly. Again, it's
been a long while (2013, early 2014 maybe?) and a new flock of Fedorans
to help kickstart.
Joe Brockmeier | Community Team, OSAS
j...@redhat.com | http://community.redhat.com/
Twitter: @jzb  | http://dissociatedpress.net/

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