On Wed, 2017-09-20 at 12:31 -0400, Paul W. Frields wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 19, 2017 at 11:52:39PM -0400, Máirín Duffy wrote:

> Agreed, an overarching, authoritative strategy, written down and
> maintained, would help a lot for these types of discussions and
> supporting work.


> There are already quite a few searchable bits in the source behind
> the page.  We could of course work with those without affecting the
> content.  But doing so without clearly supporting a coherent strategy
> probably isn't going to have a huge effect on Fedora's popularity.
> I also don't think anyone's saying the website is deficient -- IMHO
> it's the best it's been in a *long* time.  I'm all for improving or
> reworking the content to be fresh, timely, and high value.  It
> needn't be an artificial function of trying to "game" SEO.  Maybe we
> should start with the authoritative written strategy mentioned above.

I just wanted to put my .02 in that this discussion sounds like a
valuable one. I am glad to see everyone trying to find a happy balance
between 'get it done' and 'red tape rules', but at the same time
seeking structure for the sake of guiding decisions and enabling
volunteers to 'do stuff'.

~ Charles

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