
Thanks a lot for the information. We will see how we can move forward with
this. I just arrived in Delhi last night and we are slowly settling in. Will
follow up with you by the end of the week.


On Wed, Jun 2, 2010 at 5:55 PM, John Tierney <> wrote:

>  Hi Harriet and Anurag, David, and Francis,
> In case you have not met and corresponded I wanted to facilitate this
> connection because I believe it can provide beneficial collaboration
> for all involved. I would have done this sooner but was traveling in
> Europe most of the month of May.
> With the SoaS Pilot to soon be starting in New Delhi, I thought your
> groups could be helpful to each other.
> Anurag and Team meet Harriet Vidyasagar, she is with Out of India-
>,I originally met her at the One Laptop per Child
> Global Workshop in May 2008. We recently reconnected through posts about
> the SoaS Creation Kit and the Sugar Workshop we just put on at the Computers
> and Writing Conference at Purdue May 22. It was myself, Dr. Gerald Ardito(Just
> defended Dissertation on Sugar Changing Learning Environment 5/21-XO's in 5 
> fifth
> grade classrooms and Dell 2100 and SoaS in 1 5th grade class), Tammy
> Conrad-Salvo:Assoc.Director Purdue Writing Center, Walter Bender via Adobe
> Connect, and Dr. Rich Rice Texas Tech Multiple Literacy Lab via Adobe Connect.
> Harriet here is the link to the New Delhi SoaS project and thread below
> also gives explanation.
> At the Computers and Writing Conference about 350 attendees received a
> CD/DVD Combination.
> The CD contained the Sugar Image that Gerald Ardito has been using
> in the Fifth Grade Classroom in New York-Sugar Demo
> Sugar iso (disk 1)
> The DVD contained the Sugar on a Stick Creation Kit which has been
> wonderfully put together by Thomas Gilliard.
> Creation Kit and Goodies (disk 2)
> This was version07 and now he has released version09 which also includes
> the new Mirabelle offerings.
> Would be great for you to take these images and create DVD's and CD's to 
> distribute especially
> to the University Level contacts you try to forge in India. Our hope is to 
> get the
> SoaS Creation Kit into a delivery form and lower level of technical language 
> to allow
> the less technically inclined to become Sugar on a Stick Creation Stations. 
> By copying
> these files to their own computers they can then hand DVD on to colleagues 
> and so on,
> building a vast ecosystem of Sugar enablers.
> I have attached handout from the Workshop. It was formed around how
> we could create collaborative relationships between the University
> and K-12 Instructors to use Sugar as the platform to provide writing
> resources and activities to the entire learning continuum. Having writing
> resources for each grade level available locally on a USB Stick would be
> a major step forward.
> I hope this turns into a beneficial collaboration. Let me know
> if there is anything else I can do to help facilitate.
> Best In Your Travels and Pilot!
> John Tierney
> Contact Info:
> Anurag Goel -
> David Han - ds...@bu.edufrancis Thalakotur -
> Harriet Vidyasagar-
> Message: 1
> Date: Mon, 10 May 2010 22:26:45 -0400
> From: Anurag Goel <>
> Subject: [OLPC_Boston] SoaS Deployment in Delhi, India
> To: iaep <>,
> Message-ID:
>         <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> Hey all,
> Some of you might already know but for those who don't, there will be a SoaS
> deployment in Delhi, India. A team of 3 students from Boston University will
> be leaving for Delhi in June. The deployment will be about 10 weeks long
> from June-Aug. We will be working closely with SEETA ( while we
> are in Delhi. Dr. Stefanakis (Boston University School of Education) will be
> our faculty advisor for the project.
> We have made great strides in preparing for our project, but like any
> deployment, planning is an on-going job that can always use help. We have
> set up a wiki page for our project. You can find it here:
> We have raised about $4000 for our project and are continuing to
> fundraise more. We are targeting for $6000. We would greatly appreciate any
> donations, which can be made via PayPal on our wiki page. There is a lot to
> be gained from this deployment as we plan to write a case study this
> fall. As part of our research, we want to measure how Sugar impacts student
> learning. We will be measuring this through qualitative and quantitative
> data with a sample size of at least 150 students.
> We are planning to use SoaS Strawberry version1 in India. If USR is stable
> by June, we would like to use that. We ruled out SoaS Blueberry because of
> problems with collaboration. Anyone suggest a different strategy?
> Also, we need some help setting up a school server, ideally with integration
> with Moodle. I tried setting up an XS using the steps on the OLPC wiki but
> did not have much luck. Is there anyone who can point me in the right
> direction or is willing to help set this up? I'm not sure if anyone has
> successfully done this in the past. My technical skills are at par, but
> if there is any documentation on setting up a backup/restore server I am
> willing to give it a shot.
> If you would like us to test certain activities as part of the deployment,
> please let us know.
> Feel free to foward this email and the wiki page to anyone else.
> Thanks,
> Anurag Goel
> Boston University '12
> College of Engineering

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