Hi Anurag,

Just wanted to let you know there has been some major improvements in Sugar 
Creation Kit since I 
sent you link to Version09.

Thomas Gilliard who has been the lead on this effort has put together a web 
page that is set up in Modular way.
You can either download the entire Sugar Creation Kit ISO or you can just take 
the bits you feel would be
useful to you. Think the DVD is great outreach tool if trying to engage at 
University Level.

Sugar Creation Kit:
Sugar Creation Kit-http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Sugar_Creation_Kit

Hope the settling in has gone well for you and the team and all the best in 
your efforts.

John Tierney
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 2010 05:58:14 -0400
Subject: Re: SoaS New Delhi Pilot Possible Collaboration
From: agoe...@gmail.com
To: jtis4...@hotmail.com
CC: outofin...@gmail.com; ds...@bu.edu; fran...@thalakotur.com; e...@bu.edu; 
s...@lists.sugarlabs.org; marketing@lists.sugarlabs.org

Thanks a lot for the information. We will see how we can move forward with 
this. I just arrived in Delhi last night and we are slowly settling in. Will 
follow up with you by the end of the week. 


On Wed, Jun 2, 2010 at 5:55 PM, John Tierney <jtis4...@hotmail.com> wrote:

Hi Harriet and Anurag, David, and
In case you have not met and corresponded I wanted to facilitate this
connection because I believe it can provide beneficial collaboration
for all involved. I would have done this sooner but was traveling in

Europe most of the month of May.

With the SoaS Pilot to soon be starting in New Delhi, I thought your
groups could be helpful to each other.

Anurag and Team meet Harriet Vidyasagar, she is with Out of India-

http://www.outofindia.net/,I originally met her at the One Laptop per Child 
Global Workshop in May 2008. We recently reconnected through posts about 
the SoaS Creation Kit and the Sugar Workshop we just put on at the Computers 

and Writing Conference at Purdue May 22. It was myself, Dr. Gerald Ardito(Just 
defended Dissertation on Sugar Changing Learning Environment 5/21-XO's in 5 
grade classrooms and Dell 2100 and SoaS in 1 5th grade class), Tammy 

Conrad-Salvo:Assoc.Director Purdue Writing Center, Walter Bender via Adobe 
Connect, and Dr. Rich Rice Texas Tech Multiple Literacy Lab via Adobe Connect.

Harriet here is the link to the New Delhi SoaS project and thread below

also gives explanation.


At the Computers and Writing Conference about 350 attendees received a 

CD/DVD Combination.

The CD contained the Sugar Image that Gerald Ardito has been using
in the Fifth Grade Classroom in New York-Sugar Demo

Sugar iso (disk 1)

The DVD contained the Sugar on a Stick Creation Kit which has been
wonderfully put together by Thomas Gilliard. 

Creation Kit and Goodies (disk 2)

This was version07 and now he has released version09 which also includes 
the new Mirabelle offerings. 


Would be great for you to take these images and create DVD's and CD's to 
distribute especially 
to the University Level contacts you try to forge in India. Our hope is to get 
SoaS Creation Kit into a delivery form and lower level of technical language to 

the less technically inclined to become Sugar on a Stick Creation Stations. By 
these files to their own computers they can then hand DVD on to colleagues and 
so on,
building a vast ecosystem of Sugar enablers.

I have attached handout from the Workshop. It was formed around how
we could create collaborative relationships between the University
and K-12 Instructors to use Sugar as the platform to provide writing
resources and activities to the entire learning continuum. Having writing

resources for each grade level available locally on a USB Stick would be
a major step forward.

I hope this turns into a beneficial collaboration. Let me know
if there is anything else I can do to help facilitate.

Best In Your Travels and Pilot!

John Tierney

Contact Info:
Anurag Goel - agoe...@gmail.com
David Han - ds...@bu.edufrancis Thalakotur - fran...@thalakotur.com

Harriet Vidyasagar- outofin...@gmail.com

Message: 1
Date: Mon, 10 May 2010 22:26:45 -0400
From: Anurag Goel <agoe...@gmail.com>

Subject: [OLPC_Boston] SoaS Deployment in Delhi, India
To: iaep <i...@lists.sugarlabs.org>, olpc_bos...@lists.laptop.org

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Hey all,
Some of you might already know but for those who don't, there will be a SoaS
deployment in Delhi, India. A team of 3 students from Boston University will
be leaving for Delhi in June. The deployment will be about 10 weeks long

from June-Aug. We will be working closely with SEETA (www.seeta.in) while we
are in Delhi. Dr. Stefanakis (Boston University School of Education) will be
our faculty advisor for the project.

We have made great strides in preparing for our project, but like any
deployment, planning is an on-going job that can always use help. We have
set up a wiki page for our project. You can find it here:

We have raised about $4000 for our project and are continuing to
fundraise more. We are targeting for $6000. We would greatly appreciate any
donations, which can be made via PayPal on our wiki page. There is a lot to

be gained from this deployment as we plan to write a case study this
fall. As part of our research, we want to measure how Sugar impacts student
learning. We will be measuring this through qualitative and quantitative

data with a sample size of at least 150 students.
We are planning to use SoaS Strawberry version1 in India. If USR is stable
by June, we would like to use that. We ruled out SoaS Blueberry because of
problems with collaboration. Anyone suggest a different strategy?

Also, we need some help setting up a school server, ideally with integration
with Moodle. I tried setting up an XS using the steps on the OLPC wiki but
did not have much luck. Is there anyone who can point me in the right

direction or is willing to help set this up? I'm not sure if anyone has
successfully done this in the past. My technical skills are at par, but
if there is any documentation on setting up a backup/restore server I am

willing to give it a shot.
If you would like us to test certain activities as part of the deployment,
please let us know.
Feel free to foward this email and the wiki page to anyone else.

Anurag Goel
Boston University '12
College of Engineering


Anurag Goel

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