A few observations/thoughts that may help us in focusing our marketing

(1) The primary source of push back in AU re Sugar was the browser. Schools
had websites that they were interested in accessing that were not supported
by Browse at the time. This is something we can turn around in the devel
team and maybe something we need to surface in marketing: that Sugar is
web/cloud enabled on top of all its other virtues. (I had been keeping the
name "cloudberry" in reserve for this.) Ironically, at the time we added
Sugar extensions for access to Google Drive (among other clud-based
services), NSW got in bed with Microsoft and prohibited schools from using
non-MS cloud services. OLPC AU never promoted the Sugar cloud-enabled

(2) The switch to Windows 10 by OLPC AU is a total capitulation to the "we
don't have a clue as to what is of value in terms of pedagogy, so we'll
make a deal with whomever will give us the best deal camp." Not sure what
our response should/can be in such circumstances.

(3) There is a still strong interest in Sugar in Paraguay and some momentum
to go national. We could try to ride that wave. We've been invited to come
to Paraguay in October.

(4) I'm pushing hard in Chile... we'll see what happens.

(5) In UY, they are still using Sugar in primary schools (on Ubuntu). We
should market in the Ubuntu space (I had had an offer from Ubuntu to let us
do the equivalent of a Fedora Spin which we could follow up on).

(6) We should push on Red Hat to give us more exposure.

(7) Can we get a Sugarizer pilot going in a school to get a sense of what
it means.

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