Sorry for taking so long, unfortunately I've not had much time recently. I've come up with a logo, it's still quite rough but might be better than nothing. It doesn't have a transparent background because it's not straight forward with the shadow of the OO logo. (May I say it's a bit problematic having two different background colours. Especially when dealing with images that we have no access to layers.) Anyway, you may well prefer to use one of the other logos available, and that's fine.


On 6 Mar 2013, at 20:07, Rob Weir <> wrote:

On Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 1:06 PM, Robin Fowler <> wrote:
I'll probably find the time to make a logo. I've seen the official logo for 2013. Is there any other source of inspiration or any suggestions anyone has?

The ODF Community Logo might be another source of ideas:

ODF is the Open Document Format standard, which OpenOffice supports.

So there is a bird-thing going on in both that logo and the OpenOffice
one.  Maybe a bird being released from a cage?



On 6 Mar 2013, at 17:59, Rob Weir <> wrote:

On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 1:48 PM, Rob Weir <> wrote:
Document Freedom Day (DFD) promotes the use of open standards and
interoperability in documents.   OpenOffice has been a core part of
DFD since it first started in 2008.

Our community's support of the OpenDocument Format (ODF) file format
is broad: in the product of course, but also via our personal use, and
via the efforts of our volunteers in OASIS maintaining the standard,
and at Plugfests improving interoperability.

I'd like to see us celebrate Document Freedom Day.  I think we can do
something similar do what we did for International Mother Language
Day:   Using social media and our website.  We can reach nearly a
million people when we do this, so it is very effective.

To make this happen we need a few things to happen before, say March 10th:

Time is running out if we want to do something.

1) An adapted logo for the website, something thematic.

a) The hi-res version of the current logo is here:

b) For ideas, the official DFD art work is here:

c) The final website logo should be 100px high, with width of 200-400px.

d) If we can avoid putting the date in the logo we can reuse it in
future years as well.

Anyone feel inspired to create an AOO/DFD logo for the website?

2) A blog post and/or press release.  The week prior to DFD is
"Sunshine Week" in the US, and is focused on open government
(  So I might try to write up something
that connects the two, i.e., how the use of open standards helps
promote open government.

I am currently working on a blog post for DFD.

3) Use our social media accounts to promote DFD on the day.

I've created a placeholder for a landing page that can be shared via
Facebook/Twitter/Google+.  This is based on the work Samer did for the
download page.  It has no content, and I probably introduced some
bugs.   But it is full of potential !

Anyone interested in helping?

Again, time is running short if we want to do something for Document
Freedom Day.





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