On 08/05/2014 Alexandro Colorado wrote:
I wonder how much participation are we having participation on the
world wide events and if we are coordinating boots about it.

I've just answered a mail on the dev list about this: http://markmail.org/message/t4ucngkjexk6ozga (European events, mostly in Germany).

Some events:
- LinuxTags
- NortWestern LinuxFest
- CeBit
- Ohio LinuxFest
- Software Freedom Day
- CampusParty
- Latinoware

Some are covered there. Some are not. Some I never heard about, but of course I'm more familiar with European events.

Do we have funding to get swag about it? What about airfaire for speakers?
Would we ever have it? Is there any marketing strategy to participate
along other FLOSS events.

You can see the whole thread at http://markmail.org/message/62t63x4m5raumg3u for the process. But basically we do have funding for events, subject to approval on the dev list. If you propose a design and a budget, we can discuss and approve it on the dev list.

It is rarer that we allocate money for travels. This usually happens when OpenOffice has a strong presence at an event, such as a whole day track like at ApacheCon or FOSDEM. And, even in those cases, we put a capping on the travel reimbursements, that was 200 EUR (~250$) for FOSDEM; but nobody was reimbursed for that event.


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