On Sun, May 25, 2014 at 11:27 AM, Andrea Pescetti <pesce...@apache.org>wrote:

> On 08/05/2014 Alexandro Colorado wrote:
>> I wonder how much participation are we having participation on the
>> world wide events and if we are coordinating boots about it.
> I've just answered a mail on the dev list about this:
> http://markmail.org/message/t4ucngkjexk6ozga (European events, mostly in
> Germany).
>  Some events:
>> - LinuxTags
>> - NortWestern LinuxFest
>> - CeBit
>> - OSCON
>> - SCALE
>> - Ohio LinuxFest
>> - Software Freedom Day
>> - CampusParty
>> - FISL
>> - Latinoware
>> - CNSL
> Some are covered there. Some are not. Some I never heard about, but of
> course I'm more familiar with European events.
>  Do we have funding to get swag about it? What about airfaire for speakers?
>> Would we ever have it? Is there any marketing strategy to participate
>> along other FLOSS events.
> You can see the whole thread at http://markmail.org/message/
> 62t63x4m5raumg3u for the process. But basically we do have funding for
> events, subject to approval on the dev list. If you propose a design and a
> budget, we can discuss and approve it on the dev list.
> It is rarer that we allocate money for travels. This usually happens when
> OpenOffice has a strong presence at an event, such as a whole day track
> like at ApacheCon or FOSDEM. And, even in those cases, we put a capping on
> the travel reimbursements, that was 200 EUR (~250$) for FOSDEM; but nobody
> was reimbursed for that event.
​Apache being a US based organization should have a different arragement
for traveling withing the US which usually are longer distances than

Are you aware how other organizations within Apache handle this?


> Regards,
>   Andrea.
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Alexandro Colorado
Apache OpenOffice Contributor
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