
Workshop "Marine Mammal History" to be held on Saturday 21 April 2007 at the
21st Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, San Sebastien,
Spain, hosted by AZTI-Pasaia (http://www.azti.es/ecs2007/home.htm). It will
take place in the Aquarium between 09:00 and 13:30 (with a 30' coffee

To join researchers and students interested on the history of marine mammals
and on their historical ecology. The purpose of the workshop is to make
people more aware of the possibilities of this new and highly
interdisciplinary area of research. Marine mammals and humans have a long
common history of ecological and cultural interactions. But despite people's
great interest in their lives marine animals and humans had also shared a
series of conflicts in the use of marine environment. From sea monsters, to
captured or stranded animals for human use, and more recently to natural
populations that need to be studied and protected, marine mammals have
always been present in human cultures all over the world. To address this
presence and relationship, with all their historical, cultural and
scientific characteristics is the main objective of the workshop. An
historical, social and cultural perspective on the changes of mentalities
and attitudes towards these protected marine animals will also be addressed.

Pre-registration through email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] until the 5th of
April, with personal contacts and motivation for the participation. Cost of
pre-registered person: 20€. Payment on place only in cash (Euros). On place
registration only on an availability basis with a cost of 25€.

Still availability for one 30 minute communication for those interested.

See you there, Cristina Brito.
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