Dear Marmam readers,

I am seeking enthusiastic research
assistants to help a PhD thesis on a behavioural study of dolphins in the
Istanbul Strait. The project aims to determine the critical habitats and
investigate the interactions between cetaceans and marine traffic.

In the Istanbul Strait, there are three
different species of dolphins which are common dolphin, bottlenose dolphin and 
harbour porpoise. The strait is one of the narrowest straits in the world
and has a vital importance on the international marine transportation (around
50.000 transit ships uses this passage annually). During the project, 
theodolite will be used for the
purpose of determining the travel speed and diving interval as well as the 
between the dolphins and vessels. Moreover we will collect various behavioural
data. Computer based photo-id studies will also be carried out. 

The research assistants will have the opportunity
to take part in data collection during the land and boat based fieldwork in the
Istanbul Strait. Research assistants should be prepared to long working
days in the field under the hot and cold weathers. The field work will take 2-3
days in a week and office work will take a day. So you will have heaps of time
for seeing around in Turkey as well.


Successful applicants will be responsible for their
own transportation to and from Istanbul-Turkey. I know most of the students are
short of money but applicants should contribute 400$ to the project. I will
provide free accommodation but food will be at your own expenses. Commitment is
required for a period of 2 months. 


Successful applicants will:

- be able to live and work with others
in a team

- be available for at least 2 months

-and most important should have a strong desire to
work with marine mammals under the difficult conditions.


This project provides an excellent opportunity for
students and individuals interested in getting more experience in the field of
marine mammal research.


Applicants should send a short email introducing
themselves to 
The email should include an outline of why you would like to work on this
project. Please also attach a brief CV. 


There is no
deadline to apply. However, approved applications are accepted on a first-come,
first serve basis. Start and end dates are flexible. 


All the best,

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