Below is a slightly edited email from a person reporting a solitary orca
close to shore in Tunisia on August 11. He called that morning and I asked
him to put it in writing in an email. Below my edited version of his email
is his original email.


No other reports have been received here about this before or after his call
and email.


If anyone does have any further information about this please email that
information to







From: houssein b []

August 11

At 5 a.m,  for about 15 minutes,  one orca (probably a small one)  was
swimming close to the shore ( about 40 meters). A few people said that they
witnessed that before but no one believed them because it never happened
before.  I heard them talking about it but I didn't believe until I saw it
today with my friends and a group of fishers who were freaked out because it
could destroy their spun (nets). I hope that you guys can make this info
reach the biggest number possible of people and make them know how to react
with it  because people ignore this specie here and it might be dangerous if
someone finds it, specially fishers with harpoons!
Houssein B 
Note: Google "tunisia nabeul manzil tamim" for location.


The original email:

tunisia _ nabeul_manzel tamim      11/08/2012  at 5 a.m  ,  for about 15
minnutes,  one orca (probably a small one)  was swimming close to the shore
( about 40 metters) 

few people said that they  witnessed that before but no one believed them
because it never happened before  and me my self heard them talking about it
but I didn't believe untill I saw it today  with  my friends and a group of
fishers who were freaked out because it could distroy their spun. 

I hope that you guys can make this info reach the biggest number possible
of people and make them now how to react with it  because people ignore this
specie here and it might be dangerous if someone face it specialy fishers
with harpoons ! 



Howard Garrett
Orca  Network

Orca Network - Connecting whales and people in the Pacific Northwest
Orca Network is dedicated to raising awareness about the whales of the
Pacific Northwest, 
and the importance of providing them healthy and safe habitats.

Projects include the Whale Sighting Network and Education Programs, the Free
Lolita Campaign,
and the Central Puget Sound Marine Mammal Stranding Network. 



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