Dear colleagues,

I would like to draw your attention to the following paper recently
published online:

Amara AR, Beheregaray LB, Bilgmann K, Freitas L, Robertson KM, Sequeira M,
Stockin KA, Coelho MM, Möller LM (2012) Influences of past climatic changes
on historical population structure and demography of a cosmopolitan marine
predator, the common dolphin (genus Delphinus). Molecular Ecology. doi:

Climatic oscillations during the Pleistocene have greatly influenced the
distribution and connectivity of many organisms, leading to extinctions but
also generating biodiversity. While the effects of such changes have been
extensively studied in the terrestrial environment, studies focusing on the
marine realm are still scarce. Here we used sequence data from one
mitochondrial and five nuclear loci to assess the potential influence of
Pleistocene climatic changes on the phylogeography and demographic history
of a cosmopolitan marine predator, the common dolphin (genus Delphinus).

Population samples representing the three major morphotypes of Delphinus
were obtained from 10 oceanic regions. Our results suggest that short-beaked
common dolphins are likely to have originated in the eastern Indo-Pacific
Ocean during the Pleistocene and expanded into the Atlantic Ocean through
the Indian Ocean. On the other hand, long-beaked common dolphins appear to
have evolved more recently and independently in several oceans. Our results
also suggest that short-beaked common dolphins had recurrent demographic
expansions concomitant with changes in sea surface temperature during the
Pleistocene and its associated increases in resource availability, which
differed between the North Atlantic and Pacific Ocean basins. By proposing
how past environmental changes had an effect on the demography and
speciation of a widely distributed marine mammal, we highlight the impacts
that climate change may have on the distribution and abundance of marine
predators and its ecological consequences for marine ecosystems.


For pdf requests or additional information please contact:


Ana Rita Amaral

Ana Rita Amaral, PhD
Postdoctoral Researcher

Sackler Institute for Comparative Genomics
American Museum of Natural History
Central Park West at 79th Street
New York, NY 10024 USA

Centre for Environmental Biology
Faculty of Sciences University of Lisbon
Campo Grande 1749-016 Lisbon, Portugal


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