Dear MARMAM subscribers,

I'm pleased to announce the following paper:

Danyer E, Tonay AM, Aytemiz I, Dede A, Yildirim F, Gurel A (2014)

First report of infestation by a parasitic copepod (*Pennella balaenopterae*)
in a harbour porpoise (*Phocoena phocoena*) from the Aegean Sea: a case
report, Veterinarni Medicina, 59, 2014 (8): 403-407

[Abstract] An adult, female harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena relicta)
was found stranded on the southern Aegean Sea coast of Turkey. Thirteen
holes made by copepods were observed on the lateral sides of the porpoise.  The
copepods were identified as Pennella balaenopterae, based on the
morphological characteristics and measurement. Tissue samples were
collected from embedded parts of parasites, histopathologically examined
and panniculitis findings were observed. Although this parasite copepod had
been reported on several marine mammals,  this is the first report in the
harbour porpoise, and in the Aegean Sea.

This is an open-access and everyone can download this paper from
the following site:


Please email me at " <>" if you
have any trouble to download it.

All the best,

Veterinarian, PhD Candidate

Kocaeli Food Control Labrotory Başiskele/Kocaeli/Turkey

İstanbul  Uni. Veterinary Faculty,
Animal Nutrition and Nutritional Diseases Department

Tel: 0090 262 312 10 61
Fax: 0090 262 312 10 65
Cep: 0090 536 255 76 66

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