Dear all,

On behalf of my co-authors, I am pleased to announce the publication of:
Julian A. Tyne, David W. Johnston, Robert Rankin, Neil R. Loneragan and Lars 
Bejder (2015). The importance of spinner dolphin (Stenella longirostris) 
resting habitat: Implications for management. Journal of Applied Ecology doi: 

Online access:


1. Linking key ecological characteristics with animal behaviour is essential 
for identifying and protecting important habitats that support life functions. 
Spinner dolphins display a predictable diurnal behavioural pattern where they 
forage offshore at night and return to sheltered bays during daytime to rest. 
These bays, which are also subject to considerable use by humans, have long 
been recognized as key habitats for this species although the extent to which 
dolphins rely on specific characteristics of these habitats for rest has not 
been quantified.
2. An integration of boat-based and land-based group focal follow sampling 
regimes and three gradient boosting Generalised Additive Models were developed 
to identify habitat features that contribute to the occurrence of resting 
spinner dolphins in coastal waters off Hawai'i Island. Two 'in-bay' models used 
data collected within-in bays and a third 'coastal' model (near-shore, outside 
of bays) used data collected both inside and outside of bays.
3. The coastal model identified that spinner dolphins were unlikely to rest 
outside sheltered bays. In-bay models showed that dolphins rested throughout 
daylight hours within bays with a peak resting period between 10 am to 2 pm. 
The models also identified bottom-substrate-type as an important predictor of 
rest. Pseudo R2 values of 0.61 and 0.70 for the in-bay models and 0.66 for the 
coastal model showed that these models provided a good fit to the behavioural 
data for the occurrence of resting spinner dolphins.
4. Synthesis and application: To date, studies evaluating spinner dolphin 
resting habitat have focussed on areas inside bays only. Here, we combined data 
collected inside and outside bays, and illustrate that should resting spinner 
dolphins be displaced from resting bays, they are unlikely to engage in resting 
behaviour elsewhere. Results provide further information on the importance of 
bays as important habitat for resting spinner dolphins. To mitigate the 
disturbance from human interactions during important rest periods, we recommend 
that management keep the spinner dolphin resting areas free from human 
activities. Our quantitative approach where models explicitly link behaviour 
with habitat characteristics is applicable to identify important habitats for 
protection of other taxa.

Julian Tyne
PhD Candidate, Murdoch University Cetacean Research Unit (MUCRU)
School of Veterinary and Life Sciences
Murdoch University South Street Murdoch WA 6150

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