
PROJECT: Long term study of
southern elephant seals and killer whales behavioral ecology 

www.eleseal.org [1] 

POSITION: Volunteer (unpaid) field helper

DURATION: 3 to 6 months, early September 2015 to early March 2016

LOCATION: Sea Lion Island, Falkland Islands, Southern Atlantic


- Elephant seals: counts, marking, GIS data collection,
observation of behavior, pup handling, collection of samples 

- Killer
whales: counts, photo-identification, observation and videotaping of
behavior, necropsies of preys 

DEADLINE: May 15, 2015; please note
that, capabilities being equal, positions will be allocated with a first
come first served policy 

Volunteer field helpers are required for the
2015-2016 field season of a long term project on southern elephant seals
(Mirounga leonina) and killer whales (Orcinus orca) carried out by the
Elephant Seal Research Group. The field work site is Sea Lion Island
(Falkland Islands). 

Sea Lion Island on Google maps

http://maps.google.com/?q=Sea%Lion%Island,Falkland%Islands [2]

Successful applicants will receive adequate training and will help
with tagging and marking, counts, mapping of seals positions by GPS,
management of environmental data loggers, behavioral observations,
handling (weighing) of pups, and collection of biological samples.
Moreover, they will help with photo-identification and observation of
killer whales, and their predation behavior. They will also help with
necropsies of elephant seals and sea lions predated by killer whales.
Volunteers will be supervised by the PIs and/or by trained technicians.
Previous experience of field work is appreciated but not essential. The
field season runs for 6 months, from the beginning of September to the
beginning of March. Only applicants who can stay for a minimum of about
3 months can be taken into consideration. Preference will be given to
volunteers wishing to stay for the whole season (6 months). Applicants
are required to pay all expenses to get to Sea Lion Island, and
telephone/Internet expenses while there. Accommodation and food at SLI
will be provided by the ESRG. Accommodation on SLI is rather basic and
self-catering, but quite comfortable for a field research setting.
Applicants will be required to work for the whole length of the day,
seven days per week, with just half day per week of rest. The work is
physically demanding, and it is often carried out in bad weather
conditions. People without a good tolerance to cold climate are
discouraged to apply. The island is a wonderful place with a very rich
and tame wildlife, including large colonies of penguins and marine

To apply please send 1) a cover letter describing your interest
in the position, 2) a CV or resume, and 3) a copy of an identification
document with picture, to dr. Filippo Galimberti (fil_e...@eleseal.org).
Please put all documents together in the same file. Preferred format for
email attachments is PDF. Reference letters (3 maximum) are appreciated
but not essential, and should be sent directly to the email address
mentioned above. 

Deadline for submission is May 15, 2015. Due to the
limited number of positions available we warmly suggest perspective
candidates to apply as soon as possible. 

Filippo Galimberti & Simona
Elephant Seal Research Group 
www.eleseal.org [3]  

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