Dear All, 


The Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust (HWDT) conducts cetacean surveys

throughout our field season (May - October) from aboard our research yacht

<http://www.whaledolphintrust.co.uk/research-Silurian.asp> Silurian.


Every year we welcome aboard enthusiastic volunteers who are willing to

contribute directly to our research work.  Volunteers, in effect, become

marine mammal scientists for the duration of the survey; living and working

aboard Silurian, assisting with day-to-day running, as well as working

together as a team to carry out visual and acoustic surveys.  To find out

more about the research onboard please click here

<http://www.whaledolphintrust.co.uk/research-on-silurian.asp> .  


Volunteers will assist fully in the collection of data, with mega-fauna and

sea bird identification training provided.  Acoustic and visual methods are

combined to produce comprehensive data sets. During encounters photographs

are taken of dorsal fins to try and identify the individual, gaining a

better understanding of species movements and interactions with each other.

The data collected, and subsequent information produced is essential when

monitoring the distribution, relative abundance and habitat preference of

cetacean species in the Hebrides. Only with coherent data can effective

conservation and management strategies be designed to enable long-term

protection of the amazing species found in our waters.


As a volunteer onboard Silurian, you will have the opportunity to see first

hand the amazing variety of marine wildlife the UK has to offer including

whales, dolphins, porpoises, seals, sharks and seabirds. You will explore

some of the remotest, wildest parts of the British Isles, anchoring each

night in a different secluded bay off one of the many Hebridean islands,

venturing ashore to explore.  The opportunity to gain sailing experience is

also available, although no certificates are issued.


Rendezvous location is either in Tobermory on the Isle of Mull, where HWDT

is based or in Kyle of Lochalsh.  More information on specific surveys will

be provided on request. There is a monetary value attached to participating

which includes accommodation (aboard) and food throughout the duration.  

The income generated allows HWDT to continue this well established research

you can be assured that without your contribution the research couldn't be


2015 Survey Dates:

*       15th - 26th June*; £900 (REDUCED TO FILL REMAINING BERTH)
*       30th June - 11th July; £1,125 
*       4th - 15th August; £1,500
*       18th - 29th August; £1,450
*       1st - 12th September; £1,350
*       22nd - 30th September; £1,050
*       15th - 23rd October; £950

·         5th - 13th October**; £950


*Kyle of Lochalsh rendezvous
** Joint Warrior
410-joint-warrior>  Military Exercise Monitoring Survey


Joint Warrior military exercise off western Scotland) 


For further  information about our surveys please go online to:



For Further information about HWDT please go online to:



Or contact HWDT’s volunteer coordinator Morven Russell

Email: volunteercoordina...@hwdt.org

Telephone: 01688 302620


Thank you, and hope to see you onboard this season!


Morven Russell
Volunteer Coordinator
Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust
28 Main Street
Isle of Mull
PA75 6NU

Tel: 01688 302620
 <mailto:volunteercoordina...@hwdt.org> volunteercoordina...@hwdt.org

 <http://www.hwdt.org/> www.hwdt.org

The Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust is dedicated to enhancing knowledge
and understanding of Scotland’s whales, dolphins and porpoises (cetaceans)
and the Hebridean marine environment through education, research and working
within Hebridean communities as a basis for the lasting conservation of
local species and habitats. 


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