On behalf of my co-authors, I'm please to announce a new open access 
publication on foraging movements of humpback whales in Antarctica.

Curtice, C., Johnston, D. W., Ducklow, H., Gales, N., Halpin, P. H., 
Friedlaender, A. S. (2015) Modeling the spatial and temporal dynamics of 
foraging movements of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in the Western 
Antarctic Peninsula. Movement Ecology 3:13. doi: 10.1186/s40462-015-0041-x

Background: A population of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) spends the 
austral summer feeding on Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) along the Western 
Antarctic Peninsula (WAP).  These whales acquire their annual energetic needs 
during an episodic feeding season in high latitude waters that must sustain 
long-distance migration and fasting on low-latitude breeding grounds. Antarctic 
krill are broadly distributed along the continental shelf and nearshore waters 
during the spring and early summer, and move closer to land during late summer 
and fall, where they overwinter under the protective and nutritional cover of 
sea ice.  We apply a novel space-time utilization distribution method to test 
the hypothesis that humpback whale distribution reflects that of krill: spread 
broadly during summer with increasing proximity to shore and associated 
embayments during fall.

Results: Humpback whales instrumented with satellite-linked positional 
telemetry tags (n=5), show decreased home range size, amount of area used, and 
increased proximity to shore over the foraging season.

Conclusions: This study applies a new method to model the movements of humpback 
whales in the WAP region throughout the feeding season, and presents a baseline 
for future observations of the seasonal changes in the movement patterns and 
foraging behavior of humpback whales (one of several krill-predators affected 
by climate-driven changes) in the WAP marine ecosystem. As the WAP continues to 
warm, it is prudent to understand the ecological relationships between sea-ice 
dependent krill and krill predators, as well as the interactions among 
recovering populations of krill predators that may be forced into competition 
for a shared food resource.

The publication can be accessed online for free at 
http://www.movementecologyjournal.com/content/3/1/13.  Questions and comments 
may be directed to Corrie Curtice: 

Thank you,

Corrie Curtice
Research Analyst
Marine Geospatial Ecology Lab
Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University
em: corrie.curt...@duke.edu<mailto:corrie.curt...@duke.edu>

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