*Humpback Whale Field Intensive in Puerto Rico, USA*

*Join our team in 2016!*

We have opened the week long internship programs for the Humpback Whale
Field Intensive Program.

You will be a critical part of our research team collecting data on
humpback whales from land and boat surveys. You will learn data sampling,
theodolite tracking, fluke and fin identification, and related software
programs for managing data during each week-long session.

This is a skill builder for field techniques in marine biology and marine
mammal research.

For more details:

Navigate to www.Marine-Eco.org/mcerc-moodle, MCERC's Education Hub web site.

Go to the block on the right side of the Home Page and click on "Humpback
Whale Field Intensive" to see a description and categories.

To find out more about the Marine and Coastal Ecology research Center
navigate to:

www.Marine-Eco.org   website

www.Marine-Eco.Jimdo.com   photo gallery

www.Facebook/research center   Facebook page

MCERC is a 501c3 non-profit organization. all program fees support research
and education.

*Who*: any person over 18. ideal for university students with an interest
in marine biology,  ecology , or related field


*What:* a week-long program designed to give field experience

*Where*: San German, Puerto Rico, USA

*When*: January through April 2016 (weeks posted on the Education Hub)

*How*: send us an email saying you are interested in the "HWFI" and we will
send you access to the Education Hub to register.

   email mcerc.m...@gmail.com

*Why*: to build field research skills for marine biologists

 Places in the sessions for whale research with MCERC fill very quickly. If
you are in need of a particular weekend, please consider signing up as soon
as possible. The program fee is $1300.00USD for each week long session and
includes a bunk at the field house, all meals, transportation to and from
all field excursions, instruction by the MCERC faculty. The program fee
does not include transportation to and from San German, Puerto Rico, USA.

Join us for our 6th season of humpback whale research in the beautiful
Caribbean Sea!

Questions? email mcerc.nm...@gmail.com

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Mithriel M. MacKay Ph.D.
Director of Research and Education
Marine and Coastal Ecology Research Center
San German, Puerto Rico, USA
Pipe Creek, Texas 78063
Website                  www.Marine-Eco.org <http://www.marine-eco.org/>
E-mail                     mithr...@marine-eco.org <mcerc.m...@gmail.com>
Education HUb        www.Marine-Eco.org/mcerc-moodle
Photo Gallery          www.Marine-Eco.Jimdo.com
Facebook                www.Facebook.com/researchcenter
MARMAM mailing list

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