Dear MARMAM collegues,

We are pleased to share our recent publication, which uses a large, multi-year 
satellite telemetry dataset collected by MarEcoTel of Washington State to 
identify year-round habitats of fin whales in the California Current System.

Scales KL, Schorr GS, Hazen EL, Bograd SJ, Miller PI, Andrews RD, Zerbini AN & 
Falcone EA (2017) Should I stay or should I go? Modelling year-round habitat 
suitability and drivers of residency for fin whales in the California Current. 
Diversity & Distributions, In Press.

The article is now online as Early View, which can be accessed at

Alternatively, please email Greg Schorr at for a 
full-text PDF offprint.


Aim: Understanding the spatial ecology of endangered species is crucial to 
predicting habitat use at scales relevant to conservation and management. Here, 
we aim to model the influence of biophysical conditions on habitat suitability 
for fin whales Balaenoptera physalus, with a view to informing management in a 
heavily impacted ocean region.

Location: We satellite-tracked the movements of 67 fin whales through the 
California Current System (CCS), a dynamic eastern boundary upwelling ecosystem 
in the Northeast Pacific.

Methods: We use a multi-scale modelling framework to elucidate biophysical 
influences on habitat suitability for fin whales in the CCS. Using generalized 
additive mixed models, we quantify the influence of a suite of remotely-sensed 
variables on broad-scale patterns of occupancy and present the first 
year-round, high-resolution predictions of seasonal habitat suitability. 
Further, we model the influence of contemporaneous biophysical conditions on 
individual-level residence times in high-use habitat.

Results: We present evidence of year-round habitat suitability in the southern 
California Current System, robust to interannual variability, establishing that 
North Pacific fin whales do not follow the canonical baleen whale migration 
model. Within the high-use habitat in the Southern California Bight (SCB), 
individual-level residency in localized areas (n = 16 for >30 days; n = 4 for 
>6 months) was associated with warm, shallow, nearshore waters (>18°C, <500 m), 
with cool waters (14–15°C) occurring over complex seafloor topographies and 
with convergent (sub)mesoscale structures at the surface.

Main Conclusions: Biophysical conditions in the southern CCS generate 
productive foraging habitats that can support the fin whale population 
year-round and allow for extended periods of residency in localized areas. 
High-use habitats for fin whales are co-located with areas of intense human 
use, including international shipping routes and a major naval training range. 
Seasonal habitat suitability maps presented here could inform the management of 
anthropogenic threats to endangered baleen whales in this globally significant 
biodiversity hotspot.

Best regards,

Dr. Kylie L. Scales

Lecturer in Animal Ecology, University of Sunshine Coast, Queensland

Formerly Project Scientist, NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center & 
University of California, Santa Cruz

USC, Locked Bag 4, Maroochydore DC, Queensland, 4558 Australia.
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