BACKGROUND: R&E ocean community conservation, is anon-profit, non-governmental 
foundation focused on the research andconservation of marine species, running 
an ongoing study of responsible whalewatching and cetaceans conservation in the 
pacific Coast of Colombian. Thisproject aims to obtain baseline information on 
whales and dolphins speciesoccurrence, behavior, and whale-watching guidelines 
compliance and education inorder to obtain scientific data to support 
conservation measures and informmarine management policies.


R&E volunteers are dynamic,flexible, adaptable, hard-working individuals who 
are willing to contribute tothe foundation and support on-going activities, 
while experiencing fieldwork atsea, learning data collection, processing 
methodologies, learning communicationskills and interrelationships with 
stakeholders and local communities and beinga part of team of researchers and 
marine biologists. All team members andparticipants share accommodation, house 
tasks, knowledge and experience in anfriendly and multicultural environment.


WHERE: Pacific coast of the Gulf of Tribuga, Nuqui, Choco -Colombia 


WHEN: The field season lasts from mid-june to end mid-october 2024. The minimum 
internship attendance is 1 month.



-Passion for Nature: If you arepassionate about the ocean and marine life, this 
volunteering is for you!

-Commitment: We are looking forcommitted volunteers who are willing to learn 
and actively contribute.

-Respect for Wildlife and thecommunity: We value respect and admiration for 
whales and dolphins. Alsorespect among your fellow teammates and the large part 
of community that wework with. We want our volunteers to be ambassadors for 

- Flexibility and Adaptability:Our volunteers should also possess a flexible 
and adaptable mindset, capable ofadjusting to changing circumstances and 
environments. As we operate in dynamicand sometimes unpredictable ecosystems, 
the ability to adapt to new situationsand approaches is invaluable. Whether 
it's adjusting to varying weatherconditions or modifying project plans to 
accommodate unforeseen challenges,flexibility is key to successful conservation 


FIELDWORK: The field trips are conducted in local cetaceanswatching boats. 
Fieldwork is dependent on weather conditions, operators willingnessand the 
tourists in the zone. The field days can be intense and hard,especially in the 
peak of whale season but are fulfilling and good fun.


The volunteers will be trained to:

- Conduct on-board surveys ofmarine species occurrence;

- Log sighting encounters on ahandheld GPS;

- Access and collectenvironmental data;

- Collect data on behavior, groupsize, species, etc.;

- Collect photos tophoto-identification, acoustic recording;

- Conduct training for grade 11 students at the localschool on the importance 
of responsible whale watching; Supervise students atthe airport of Nuqui.

- Share knowledge about conservation, environment,marine fauna to the different 
grades of the local educational institution.

- Provide information to touristsabout responsible whale and dolphin watching 
regulations, ecology andconservation 


DATA ANALYSIS: The data obtained in the field will be enteredinto established 
databases and spreadsheets, photo-identification analyses andacoustic 
recordings will be carried out periodically. 


INTERNSHIP FEES: R&E ocean community is a non-profitorganization that relies on 
donations from our volunteers, partners, andconservation-minded people like you 
so that we may continue our importantresearch and education programs. This 
internship requires a monetarycontribution which is used to off-set the cost of 
accommodation and running anon-profit.


For more information oninternship fees or the volunteer program for the 2024 
season, please contact: marcela.hernan...@oceancommunityconservation.org  


Included in the fee is:

- Accommodation in Nuqui;

- Transportation to/from field;

- All meals (breakfast, lunch,and dinner);

- Fieldwork;

- Theoretical capacitation.

- Distinctive Wardrobe


Not included in the fee is:

- Transportation to/fromNuqui-Choco;

- Meals in restaurants;

- Free time activities;

- Personal insurance (allparticipants should have health and/or travel 

- Others personal expenses. 



- Be above the age of 20;

- Have a mature attitude towardsmarine mammal research and environment;

- Be autonomous and flexible;

- Be able to live and work in aninternational team and mainly outdoors at sea;

- Be able to work in extremeconditions

- Speak Spanish;

- Participate for minimum 1 month.



-Unique Experience: You will havethe opportunity to be close to these amazing 
creatures and learn from expertsin the field.

-Positive Impact: Your work willhelp protect whales and dolphins for future 

-Connection with Nature: Immerseyourself in the beauty of the ocean and the 
Pacific coast while contributing toits preservation.




You can apply on R&E oceancommunity website here

< Ocean CommunityConservation >




Send us an e-mail to: marcela.hernan...@oceancommunityconservation.org, with 
the subject Volunteerprogram R&E ocean community with your CV and motivation 


We will send you a confirmationemail with the availability and all the other 


Applications will be acceptedduring all season. However, early application is 
recommended dueto limited vacancies.



Ann Carole VallejoExecutive Director and Lead ResearcherMSc. Nordic Marine 
Ecosystems and ClimateR&E Ocean Community Conservation Foundation
Oakville, ON, Canada, L6M 5H5t: +57 (300) 281-0324Wapp: +1 (289) 885-3930Email: 

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