Dear MARMAM colleagues,

My co-authors and I are pleased to announce our new publication entitled
"Back on top: Resuspended by dredging and other environmental
disturbances, organochlorine compounds may affect the health of a dolphin
population in a tropical estuary, Sepetiba Bay" recently published in
Environmental Pollution.

Organochlorine compounds (OCs) are persistent organic pollutants linked to
damaging the immune and endocrine
systems, leading to a greater susceptibility to infectious diseases at high
concentrations. Sepetiba Bay, in the
Southeastern Brazilian coast, historically presents anthropogenic
activities and environmental contamination
that could negatively impact resident populations. In this context, this
study aimed to investigate the temporal
trends in the accumulation of organochlorine compounds over a 12-year
database in the Guiana dolphins’
(Sotalia guianensis) resident population from Sepetiba Bay, including
individuals collected before, during, and
after an unusual mortality event triggered by morbillivirus (n = 85). The
influence of biological parameters was
also evaluated. The OCs concentrations in the blubber ranged from 0.98 to
739 μg/g of ΣPCB; 0.08–130 μg/g of
ΣDDT; <0.002–4.56 μg/g of mirex; <0.002–1.84 μg/g of ΣHCH and <0.001–0.16
μg/g of HCB in lipid weight.
Increased temporal trends were found for OCs in Guiana dolphins coinciding
with periods of large events of
dredging in the region. In this way, our findings suggest that the constant
high OCs concentrations throughout
the years in this Guiana dolphin population are a result of the constant
environmental disturbance in the area,
such as dredging. These elevated OCs levels, e.g., ΣPCB concentrations
found above the known thresholds, may
impair the response of the immune system during outbreak periods, which
could lead the population to a progressive

The article can be found here <>

Best regards,

*MSc. Juliana Aguiar Brião *
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