Greetings MARMAM!

I am pleased to share our newest publication in the journal *Behaviour* titled:
"Coastal dolphins provide foraging opportunities to benthic-feeding
seabirds in a tropical seagrass ecosystem".

In marine ecosystems, predators can affect community and ecosystem dynamics
through a variety of processes such as foraging facilitation. Here, we
report evidence of foraging facilitation between common bottlenose dolphins
(Tursiops truncatus) and double-crested cormorants (Nannopterum auritum) in
the Caribbean seagrass-dominated atoll of Turneffe, Belize using aerial
drone observations conducted in 2015-2017. While dolphins exhibited
occasional aggressive behaviours toward the cormorants, the latter
frequently followed dolphin movements, suggesting opportunistic pursuit of
dolphins for prey access during dolphin bottom foraging activity. Our
observations underscore the intricate ecological relationships among marine
predators and highlight the need to quantify the mutual benefits and costs
of such interactions as coastal ecosystems are rapidly changing.

Ramos, E., Kiszka, J., Reiss, D., & Magnasco, M. (2024). Coastal dolphins
provide foraging opportunities to benthic-feeding seabirds in a tropical
seagrass ecosystem. *Behaviour*.

If you would like a PDF copy or have any questions, feel free to reach out
to me at

Best regards,

*Eric Angel Ramos, Ph.D.*
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Mote Marine Laboratory & Aquarium
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