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>Just thought you folks would like to know that Jesse Jackson -- whom
>sections of the "Left" haved tailed for a number of years, and who is
>currently Clinton's "spiritual advisor" -- came out tonight on CNN's Equal
>Time (hosted by Colonel Oliver North) demanding a stepped up war against
>Yugoslavia.  "Milosovic is going to lose, sooner or later", intoned Jesse,
>"and if it takes ground troops to get him out, then let's send 'em in."
>Earlier, he had repeated the imperialist's canard of the Yugoslav leader
>being the "Butcher of Belgrade".  Jackson's whole performance was as
>nauseating as it was vicious.
>It is truly a sign of desperation on the part of Clinton & Co -- who pundits
>are now openly accusing of "losing" the war in Yugoslavia barely a week
>after they started it -- to trot out the likes of Jesse Jackson, himself
>enjoying a level of public trust and support slightly lower than that of
>Linda Tripp.
>Louis Godena  
>     --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

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