Rob goes over the deep end with this claim. In fact what we have is three
people claiming to be Trotskyist and that is another matter.  Fundamentally
there are three historic trends in the labor movement which at one time or
another claimed to adhere to the Marxist interpretation of history and class
struggle. The Social Democracy, Lenin and his Bolsheviks, and the
Stalinists. I place Trotsky in the Bolshevik department including as a
leader of October and the history of the Left Opposition and creation of the

The tactical and programmatic arguments being fought out here are not new.
And these fights turn around historical positions of the past which belong
in one of these three historical currents.  Just as most of the people on
this list when they argue a point-the point will find a home in one of these
currents historically.

When it comes to the three "Trotskyists" the differences here are also
connected to adaption,liquidation, capitulation and  political approach to
the tactics and ideologies of one of these three currents. There ain't no
way in the world that either Dave, Bob or Hugh can all be Trotskyist or
Leninists or anything else for that matter when the differences and shades
of these burning issues are so deep. But this goes for all others on this
list as well. Marxism is a science, just as program and tactics are a
science and vital to the success or failure of our common future.

And the reason we fight it out is because we all firmly believe our grasp of
the questions involved are correct. And the rather deep and complicity of
these questions can-- nor will not be proven correct in one day, one week,
or one year. Just because these differences have plagued the whole workers
movement since its inception. And will also plague them in the future. But
out of this crucible and struggle will be forged the cadre that will be part
of trying to form the future.

I disagree with Rob also about the point of practical "unity" to get things
moving in the right direction. It is hardly necessary for our little group
of thaxists to have unity at all. This stuff is connected to the struggle of
the working class whether it be a strike or the national question or war.
And human material who interpret these events in different ways within the
bounds of the above mentioned three historical currents in the workers
movement. Obviously with the goal of attempting to find a way out of the
mess we are in.

On this list we do have a certain unity -(with the exception of Chris) we
all oppose the NATO attack and this is and important basis of unity. This
war also raises far reaching questions like the national question, the class
character of the degenerated and deformed workers states, inter-imperialist
rivalry and how the next war will be and what character it will have and
will also be a variable test tube not only for the so called three
"Trotskyists" but all on this list and the entire left ..

The difference is that we can discuss these differences here even when they
are very intensive and heated because we don't need just "unity" for itself
on the lowest common denominator but unity of a revolutionary current that
will be forged in the next period around these burning issues. There ain't
nothing personal in this stuff in the big tactical, ideological and
programmatic stuff. And it will have to be fought out by people like us or
somebody else.

If the First World War destroyed the 2nd International-and Germany destroyed
the Third International-events in the future will lead to the destruction of
the left as we know it because wars do that. And a new world war will
certainly separate the wheat from the corn in regards to the present "left"
to a lot of questions now being discussed. That is life since the beginning
of the workers movement.

Somebody said some time that "war and revolution" eats people. But if we
don't find a solution to this stuff we all are gonna be eaten anyhow. The
only think we are free to elect is which side of the barricades and with
what tactics and program. Besides this "unity" presented with your view so
fucking undialectical in itself. Unity can only come from struggle rather
then agreeing to disagree. And whether any of us agree on this little list
don't make any difference. We are just a few actors on the stage of history
all claiming what we think best. But it will be the masses in motion, wars
and possible revolutions which will decide this stuff connected to who is
trying to lead what where...And this in itself contradicts the "unity"

Warm Regards
Bob Malecki

PS: writing this on Office 2000 (Premium edition)!  What a hard disk/ram
memory eater! More then 350 Meg on disk and things popping and hopping all
over the place in the background using all ram memory. Reminds me of the
chicken and the egg stuff. Except gone berserk with the hard product blowing
up because its being programmed to lay faster and bigger eggs.

Over and above this I can't even BCC the Cockroach! Mailing list. But old
Eudora 2.0 which I ran on a 486 33mz machine can do it!


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