Dear Comrades,
           With the end of the Kosovo 'big' war much re-thinking
about US-EU relations is going on amongst ruling elites. Below are some
useful facts and consideratons from the right-wing Radio FreeEurope/Radio 
                    in solidarity - Steve Myers

Kosovo Brings Shift In Attitudes Toward European Security 

By Roland Eggleston 
German political analysts believe the Kosovo conflict may be a turning point 
in efforts to forge a common European defense policy more independent of the 
United States. But the role of Russia in such a pan-European policy remains 

In a television debate this week, several analysts argued that a key factor 
in this developing policy is the emergence of Germany as a full participant 
in the Kosovo conflict. Germany contributed reconnaissance aircraft to the 
NATO bombing operation and has provided about 8,000 troops to the 
peacekeeping force. As the analysts stressed, it is the first time since 
World War Two that Germany has played more than a peripheral role in a 
military action and many experts believe it is now prepared to be more active 
in seeking a leadership role.

A prominent German foreign affairs expert, Karl Kaiser, says: "until now it 
was France which took the lead in pressing for a pan-European military force 
which could be an equal partner with the United States in NATO and which 
could deal with European interests without having always to call on the U.S. 
for assistance." He argues that Germany is now moving toward playing a 
leading role in the initiative.

Kaiser and other experts expect Germany to play a bigger role with France and 
Britain in creating a pan-European rapid reaction force which can respond to 
some crises without direct American involvement. The force is expected to be 
created toward the end of next year, although many of the details about its 
possible operations remain unclear.

Going beyond troops and weapons, some analysts believe Germany will assume a 
bigger role in efforts to create a pan-European security system for all 
Europe, including Russia. Negotiations on such a security charter are 
underway at the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) 
but those involved in the closed-door talks say a number of obstacles remain 
to be resolved. Government officials in Bonn say the Kosovo crisis has 
demonstrated that there can be no real security system in Europe without the 
full participation of Russia. However, they believe Kosovo has also deepened 
the concerns of those in the Russian political and military apparatus who are 
suspicious of NATO and its goals in Europe. Germany sees itself as the 
European nation best-placed to try to ease these concerns.

For Germany, Kosovo has been a turning point. The previous conservative 
government, led by Helmut Kohl, believed Germany should not assume a 
prominent military role because of its responsibility for World War Two and 
the atrocities committed by its forces. Germany did participate in some 
international operations, such as the one in Somalia, but mostly limited its 
share to providing medical units. It did not contribute troops to 
international operations such as the Gulf war. The Bosnian war was considered 
particularly sensitive because of the atrocities committed by German troops 
in the Balkans in World War II. Only after the conflict was over did it 
contribute 4,000 men to the international peacekeeping force and that came 
after a heated national debate.

The new German leader, the Social Democrat Gerhard Schroeder, argues it is 
time the country put the ghosts of World War Two behind it and moved into a 
full leadership role in the emerging united Europe. Kosovo provided an 
opportunity to demonstrate this new approach.

There was little opposition inside the country when Germany provided 14 
military aircraft to fly daily missions over Kosovo. And opinion polls 
indicate there is general support for its sizeable contribution to the 
peacekeeping force. Germany's contingent of 8,000 troops is second only to 
Britain's 13,000 men and ahead of France and the U.S.

The German contingent has taken an active role in enforcing NATO's 
responsibilities in the Prizren area, where most of them are deployed. It has 
shown determination in a number of incidents with withdrawing Serb forces. 
Overall, the German media has shown pride in the country's soldiers. One 
newspaper carried a front page report that other NATO forces respected the 
Germans as comrades and partners.

But most commentators believe the true test for a bigger international role 
for Germany's armed forces will come when financial decisions have to be 
taken. A new, more independent, role for Germany -- and for Europe --- 
requires a bigger defense industry with less reliance on the power of the 
United States.

To quote the foreign affairs expert Karl Kaiser again: "Europe is still 
massively dependent on the United States for its defense needs. The United 
States is prepared to spend the money needed to develop new weapons systems. 
Until now Europe has been reluctant to do so. Only time will tell whether the 
new European force is genuinely independent or still dependent on America."
The United States spends about 3.2 per cent of its total output of goods and 
services on defense -- compared with an average of about 2.1 per cent in 
Europe. The result is that Europe lags far behind the U.S. not only in 
creating new weapons systems but also in its holdings of aircraft needed to 
carry troops and equipment on missions. It now depends on the U.S. for this.

France has long pushed for a pan-European defense industry, partly because 
its own arms industry is among the most advanced in Europe and would benefit 
if other European countries adopted a policy of "Europe first" when buying 
weapons. At present, most of them rely on U.S. weaponry.
France is already pressing Germany to co-finance the development of military 
satellites and an attack helicopter code-named "Tiger."

But, particularly in Germany, there still remains a large segment of 
political opinion which would rather spend the money on social improvement 
rather than weapons. The present German government is struggling to find the 
funds to cover a huge budget deficit. So, for the time being at least, it 
appears that Europe may still remain dependent on the U.S. for many of its 
military needs.

Copyright (c) 1999. RFE/RL, Inc. Reprinted with the permission of Radio 
FreeEurope/Radio Liberty, 1201 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Washington DC 20036.

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