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Jim heartfield wrote:

>In message <l03130308b3d57f5f0b43@[]>, Rob Schaap
> >G'day Thaxists,
> >
> >Does anyone else here (except Jim) subscribe to the LM Commentaries?
> >I do.  And, Jim, it's actually been a good while since there's been one
> >with which I don't agree.
>Cheers Rob, and thanks for the plug.

I subscribe to them too, and I get the magazine too. Listening to 
certain personages - I have one in mind who constantly celebrates the 
virtues of vigorous debate, but who steadily refuses to engage anyone 
he disagrees with - you'd think the LM crowd were hellspawn. I've got 
to say that even when I disagree with them, they're smart people to 
be taken seriously.


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