That was Joe Stalin- Are you saying, don't run against the "Third Way"
BS, Tiny Blur? Let the New Labour or Tory candidate win, and deliver a blow
not only to the left but, Londoners, who like anyone else deserve a good
govt. and if Livingstone, is anywhere near as feisty and radical as in the
GLC days, will clean the clock of Blair!
                            Michael Pugliese
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, March 07, 2000 12:46 PM
Subject: Re: M-TH: LSA welcomes Livingstone's decision to stand for major

> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> David Welch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
> >We urge all those Labour Party members, trade unionists and others who
> >have been disenfranchised and excluded by New Labour's stitch-up to join
> >the campaign for a socialist London.
> Socialism in one country, and now socialism in one city.
> --
> Lew
>      --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

     --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

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