[From http://www.londonsocialistalliance.org.uk/.]

The London Socialist Alliance welcomes Ken Livingstone's decision to stand
as an independent candidate for mayor of London. By doing so, he has given
Londoners an alternative at the ballot box. We hope Ken will stand on a
socialist and trade union platform.

In order to ensure that Londoners also have a real choice in the elections
for the Greater London Assembly, the London Socialist Alliance will be
standing candidates for all assembly seats.

In doing so, we will be advocating policies supported by millions of
Londoners but disregarded by New Labour and the other two major parties.
We oppose tube privatisation and housing sell-offs; we support real police
accountability and a crackdown on racism. We will speak out for the
majority who depend on public services, not the minority who can afford to
opt out.

We urge all those Labour Party members, trade unionists and others who
have been disenfranchised and excluded by New Labour's stitch-up to join
the campaign for a socialist London.

     --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

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