>>> "George Pennefather" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 03/11/00 05:51AM >>>
Jim is making a mistake. A factory when used as a factory is a use value that is not a
commodity. It is only a commodity when it is sold. Factories can exist for years and
years -indeed for their entire life span-- as use values --as forms of fixed capital.

The dirty hanky in my pocket is a use value --snot rag. But if I am prepared to sell 
it to
you and you buy it from me because you have a use, say, for my snot rag then it eh 
a commodity.


CB: Sort of an intermittent phenomenon, now you see it , now you don't.

Is it a commodity only in the instant when it is changing hands or is there some 
special time frame in which it is a commodity ?


     --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

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