Hi again, Hugh.

Just a quick reprise on the ol' chestnut at hand:


>>>Market socialism is a cowardly utopian cop-out. Anything to avoid the
>>>life-and-death confrontation with the bourgeoisie that creating the
>>>preconditions for real socialism will involve.


>>Market Socialism ain't gonna come about without fundamental and traumatic
>>social change, Hugh.  And it might just be a promising candidate for just
>>the precondition of which you speak.


>See above. Fundamental social change that stops short at market socialism
>is a dry-as-dust academic illusion worthy of a Kautsky.

And Trotsky:

'It is necessary for each state-owned factory, with its technical director,
to be subject not only to control from the top ... but also from below, by
the market, which will remain the regulator of the state economy for a long
time to come.'
(at 4th Comintern Congress 1922)

And Trotsky again:

'The innumerable live participants in the economy ... must make known their
needs and their relative intensity not only through statistical compilations
of planning commissions, but directly through the pressure of demand and
supply.  The plan is checked and to a considerable extent realised through
the market.  The regulation over the market must base itself on the
tendencies showing themselves in it, must prove their economic rationality
through commercial calculation.'
(*Byulleten Oppozitsii* November 1932)


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