On the Lilly-gilded Boorish Oaf (LBO) list, CB writes, in part:

>> Here it is in a nutshell; Marx literally says "One capitalist always
kills many". This is done in a big way in crashes, Depressions. On the
contrary, I am very specifically saying that capitalists do _not_uniformly
benefit from crises and that "many"_are_ brought down by crises. The
expropriation Marx refers to at this point in the text is capitalists
expropriating other capitalists. That's why they are termed "expropriators"
when he says concerning the socialist revolution stage that "the
expropriators ( of other capitalists) are (themselves) expropriated. " This
is a central insight of Marx concerning the historical tendency of the
capitalist mode of accumulation: it tends to monopoly/centralization of
capital and wealth. Lenin's thesis in _Imperialism_ is actually an
empirical demonstration of the fulfillment of Marx's prediction in this
chapter of _Capital_. Because there are fewer of them it is easier for the
working class to expropriate them. As Lenin says in _Imperialism_, monopoly
capital, like Goldman Sachs, is a precursor to socialism by monopolizing
and centralizing capital and means of production<<

I think that is why wealth has hedge funds, long-term stakes in private
equity and Berkshire Hathaway, and diversified bond portfolios.

Here comes the Occupy the Expropriation movement, with father CB leading
the way.

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