Over at Marxmail, Jon Flanders posted the following
comments on Christopher Lord's article:

"There are no major oil reserves, no lucrative pipeline deals-nothing,
in fact, but an opportunity to prevent the deaths of several hundred
thousand destitute, sick and starving people. Under normal circumstances
this would not be enough to persuade the White House and the State
Department to get involved. But whether most Americans care or not, the
Republicans are now wedded to Sudan. And like the best of marriages,
this one was made in heaven."

Huh? This article is nonsense. Of course they are there for oil. The
problem is the Chinese, the Malaysians, and the Indians are there first,
they need to be elbowed out. Sanctions followed by troops should do it,
if they can get away with the Iraq scenario again.

Jon Flanders

and Tony Abdo posted the following response to Lord:

While Cristopher Lord's commentary is certainly interesting, his
are of rather dubious merit.  He asserts that the European/ US 
interventionism in the Sudan has nothing to do with oil!

He probably bases this conclusion based solely on the fact that the
known amount of oil reserves are quite limited in known quantity as
to other countries (not even in the top 25).  But this doesn't take into 
consideration other issues, such as that of the strategic locale of Sudan

relative to other oil producing countries, plus the fact that Sudan is
unexplored for oil, and reserves may actually turn out to be quite a bit 
larger than currently believed.  Plus, it provides a perfect rationale
'humanitarian' interventionism for the US.  Add to this, the US
to drive out the Chinese from being able to stake out claims and control
any African reserves (the Chinese are invested in Sudan).


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