"The Philosophy of Marxism: An Exposition" is the book I had in mind. It is often used as a standard textbook. What a piece of crap! But rather typical, esp. of the books that muck around with dialectical logic. (The later Soviet textbooks became a bit shrewder, pretty much avoiding the topic of the relation between formal and dialectical logic and thus some embarrassment.)

I guess Somerville was not a CP member, but it seems he was a fellow traveller of some sort. The problem is that the same deficiencies in this area accrue to a number of tribes--Stalinists, Trotskyists, Maoists--so no one tendency is responsible.

Once in a while, somebody tries something a little different in the area of marxist education. Here's an interesting specimen:

"How to Think" (Sojourner Truth Organization)

At 09:11 PM 2/26/2005 -0500, Jim Farmelant wrote:
> > BTW, what awful book and who was John Somerville?
> He was an American philosopher who wrote studies of
> Soviet philosophy, most particularly his book,
> * Soviet Philosophy: A Study of Theory and Practice*.

BTW in case you were interested, here is a later piece that I
found online by Somerville:

Somerville, J. (1967) "The Nature of Reality: Dialectical Materialism"
(pp. 3-32).
In The Philosophy of Marxism: An Exposition. Minneapolis: Marxist
Educational Press.

> He was, I believe, one of the first American philosophers
> to investigate developments in Soviet philosophy.
> BTW, Sidney Hook's famous attack on Somerville,
> "Philosophy and the Police," is available online, providing
> that you are willing to shell out some bucks to The Nation.

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