At 2005-03-03 20.52, you wrote:
Perhaps this is one reason Van Heijenoort got so disgusted with Marxists in the 1940s and decided to try his luck elsewhere. The notion that Marxists have a right to be provincial, sectarian, and ignorant has got to be stopped. Marxists should take as their province the totality of human knowledge, not a pitiful little intellectual ghetto called Marxism. When you have a police state to back you up, you can puff out your chest, but when you're a tiny marginalized subculture, you're just pathetic.

Marxism isn't "Marxists", and definitely not Stalinists.

The ideas of Marxism are the only ideas that can save humanity from destruction and barbarism via the revolutionary transformation of society by the revolutionary working class.

It's not pathetic to know the power of the genie in your battered old lamp.

It's not a question of attitude ("pitiful", "puffed up", "pathetic") but of organization and determination.

Nice to know someone's against provincialism, sectarianism, ignorance and pettiness, though. So inspirational.

Yup, a veritable Moses to lead us out of our "pitiful little intellectual ghetto"...


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