>>Evolution punctuated by revolution is another way of saying quantitative
change turns into qualitative change.

Socially, the ebb and flow of reform is evolutionary. It is change without
changing the mode of production out of capitalism. Socialist revolution is a
leap in which the mode of production changes.<<


I would disagree with this as well as the description of what constitutes a 
qualitative change as well as the concept of the leap or rather the dialectic 
of the leap. The leap or a leap really means in my opinion the dialectic of the 
leap. Further, the social revolution is the result of qualitative changes in 
the economic structure in society and the dialectic of the leap means the 
process of transition from one qualitative state of society to another. 

The leap is the transition or rather understood as transition. 

I don't recall Lenin stating that the Russian October Socialist Revolution 
constituted a leap or change in the mode of production - however one defines 
In my estimate the qualitative change in the material power of production is 
already under way. That is, society is already leaping but is held back by the 
relations of the superstructure. We are leaping from industrial society and 
political revolution destroys the fetters on the productive forces that allows 
the quantitative expansion of a new qualitative definition (all ready 
underway, hence leap as transition) in the material power of production. 

My question is how does heating water to a boiling point change the quality 
of water rather than its form? 

I agree that the form of a thing can change in front of its constituent 
parts. What quality of H2O has changed? 

Just asking. 

A leap or the dialectic of the leap is not to be understood as jumping rope 
or an after thought or the result of a qualitative change. The process of 
emergence of the new qualitative definition is itself the leap. 

A qualitative change expressing antagonism is a somewhat different process 
than that of a non antagonistic transition from one qualitative state to 
another. The former expresses a polarization where the two previous aspect of a 
begin to emerge in external collision and one aspect is annihilated as the 
basis for the emergence of a new unity. 

The opinions above are mine and I am not speaking for any one else. 


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