>>First of all, the theories of knowledge of Engels and Lenin lack the
specificity to grapple with axiomatic systems as we've come to understand
them.  Secondly, the philosophical extrapolations and analogies presented
here are not very good interpretations of Godel.  Putting these two
components together, much of the reasoning we see here is nebulous and vague 
verbiage about "dialectics", communicating very little.
[vfr] Nor should they.  Engels and Lenin follow Marx who in turn follows
Hegel in discarding formal logic as useless for the development of empirical
theories for designing social practice.
I can't claim to be an expert in Popper, but I had a specific argument as
to why philosophical reasoning is inadequate as a model for the gaining of
knowledge through practical engagement with the world.<<
So true and the problem is philosophy or rather Marxism as philosophy or more 
accurately "Marxists Philosophy" as philosophy. The method or standpoint or 
approach deployed by Marx, once stripped of philosophy, displays - in MY 
PERSONAL OPINION, an acute power of observation.  
Is it in fact a category of philosophy to state that man must eat, drink 
water and self reproduce to exist or a fact of existence? Much verbiage is 
attached to the word and concept - (concept!), of dialectics. 
In many places the word "dialectic" or "dialectical" is used one could easily 
replace it with the word "magic." 
The "dialectic of the proletariat" may as well be "the magic of the 
proletariat," more often than not.  
My inclination was to leave this discussion alone because we inevitably end 
up with politics parading as a philosophic materialism predicated upon 
assumptions that requires ones prior agreement to make sense. The tendency is 
to treat 
the "Theory of Knowledge" as something more than a "theory of knowing" or how 
wo/man comes to know and how this "coming to know" is compounded and 
enriched. The theory of knowing - as I understand Engles and Lenin, is by 
subject to human agency and agreements because it is human agency.
"Objective Truth" is an agreement - a social contract, and subject to the 
compounding of knowledge during a given era and epoch, although a militant 
segment of materialism claims otherwise and blur the important distinction 
truth and fact. There is a difference.  For example, the existence of the Sun 
and Earth is not an "objective truth." Truth by its own definition is subject 
to and manifest human agency, while the existence of the Sun and earth does 
not. The Sun and earth exist outside the category of "objective truth." 

Man exists in relationship to the Sun and not the other way around. WIth the 
coming of man 
Stating that something is dialectical or manifest the dialectic is a self 
contained truth predicated upon a philosophic agreement between participants 
amounts to a social contract based on agreeing that "matters self movement is 
inherently dialectical." The thing being observed in its motion and movement 
has no need to prove itself. We attempt to understand - by engagement (wo/man 
as social being) and discernment, the self movement of things - life, in its 
internal connections, unity, strife, environment and our impact upon that being 
witnessed as it impacts us. 
Then we seek agreement. 
The materialist approach to the theory of knowing means the theory of the 
process of the mind (knowing) - discernment and engagement, as mediated and 
mediator of human agency, as distinct from the brain.  Here is where 
materialism as 
philosophy finds its feet or rather, one foot, firmly planted in mid air. Not 
because it is "wrong" but because the distinction between the brain and mind 
is blurred on the basis of the category called "objective truth." "Objective 
truth" has to be torn from a category of philosophy and truth wedded to history 
The question complicates itself on the basis of itself in society because 
history unfolds - is created, by human beings as they are productively active.  
The Sun requires no proof of its existence. That is to say, everyone on earth 
understands as a law of our existence, that the Sun does not require human 
agency and man to be what is has been and shall be. The existence of the Sun 
cannot be proven by "objective truth" because it is not a product of human 
and is there to be witnessed by all. "Knowing" the Sun is a different matter 
altogether and this knowing is the "subject" and slave of the mind. 
The mind is "subjective human agency" and the brain is a metabolic process 
housing the mind. One is not the other in a very important area. The brain is 
subject to definable and increasingly knowable material agents and metabolic 
processes impacting the mind as it excites and bring to life the power of 
observation and knowing. Accuracy of observation is not the same as knowing or 
is the same, the theory of know(ledge). The theory of knowing is fully subject 
to and evolves within the framework of history as human agency. The power of 
observation is subject to a different law system. 
Marx materialism or rather the approach and method of Marx proceeds 
magnificently from a self contained fact +  truth that human knowing evolves in 
same direction as the progressive development of the productive forces and this 
development of the material power of production defines the meaning of history 
or "his story of coming to know." 
We tend to fight battles that Marx already won. When Marx wrote "that the 
philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways, the point is to 
change it," this was "right on" - a good thing and he wrote as a revolutionary. 
Today the question has deepened with knowing. In what direction and on what 
metabolic basis? Since we can only change society in the direction it is 
going as history, the battle becomes a contest of will + knowing + discernment 
and art. 
Pardon my different direction or anti-philosphy "Philosophy." The theory of 
knowledge needs both feet planted in the soil of man. What determines the 
"power of observation" is lacking in virtually all Marxists writings I have 
encountered over the years. The "power of observation" does not mean "knowing" 
or the 
theory of knowing evolution as history. 
If the theory of knowing in the hands of Marx, Engels and Lenin is predicated 
upon history and history is measurable as it creates and is the progressive 
development of the material power of production, then Marxism defines itself as 
subject to the same history it observes. The instruments of "the Marxists" 
critique has to be critiqued on the basis of the method of Marx rather than a 
self contained knowing of Marxism as philosophy. 
It can be assumed - seemingly apriori, that the previous generations of 
Marxists are historically incorrect in their history view of the proletariat 
becoming that which is not visible during one particular era of engagement. The 
Marxists are historically incorrect - and everyone else, because knowing is 
subject and slave to history creation as the progressive development of the 
and material power of production. 
Formal logic today is not the formal logic of the era of Marx, although I do 
not campaign on behalf of formal logic unless it becomes a formal framework 
outside the mechanical logic that has characterized - not simply philosophy, 
the industrial era and epoch. Marxism as such can only critique itself in 
relationship to history or a historical specific boundary in the progressive 
development of the material power of production as knowing. 
Every day, many of "the Marxists" political categories of the past run into 
the wall of history and reveal themselves as industrial categories.  Those who 
aspire to inherit and propagate the method of Marx can be confident as 
individuals, provided we subject our own knowing to the most relentless 


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