Ralph Dumain  


Well, specifically, how does the progression plant-seed-plant constitute 
the negation of negation?  How does the physiology of plant reproduction 
correlate to a logical relationship?  Is not the burden of proof on a 
person making a positive assertion to indicate why it makes sense?  What 
could the concept of negation mean in this instance but some kind of loose 

CB: You start out with a seed. Out of it grows a plant.  The plant is not
the seed, yet it grows out of what it is not, a type of turning into its
opposite.  The flower grows out of the plant, what it is not. The seed has
turned into a flower. Some plants even spiral up in growth :>)

The ontogeny of a plant is a process with stages of development, one stage
growing out of the prior stage. A dialectical logical relationship involves
development, change of an analogous type. Dialectics is the logic of

No, I'm not sure that a person making a positive assertion has the burden of
proving that it is not empty verbiage, just because somebody pops up an says
it's empty verbiage. Could just as easily say that the burden of proof is on
the one asserting that it's empty verbiage to prove the proposition that
it's empty verbiage. 

What you mean by "loose metaphor" is not clear. What is an example of
negation that is not a "metaphor" ? In the discussions of dialectics I am
familiar with negation means something turning into something that it is
not. It is not just obliteration, but obliteration that simultaneously
creates something new.

The fact plant ontogeny is "simple" or "trivial" doesn't count against it
being dialectical.  As a logic, dialectics can be simple just like formal
logic can be simple , as in A = A, identity , its basic principle. Tautology
( triviality) is the first principle of formal logic. That change is turning
into something else that something is not is trivial, but fundamental.

Complexity is not a necessary characteristic of a dialectical process.


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