Actually , this essay ( rough copy here) is not on the issue that Steve
suggested I develop. But it does deal with the anthropological passages at
the beginning of _The German Ideology_ that are close to the one Steve first
adduced for discussion.

As I read this essay, I am claiming that M and E are not materialist enough
in the GI. I don't have the part here, but in _The Origin of the Family,
Private Property and the State_ Engels has much more advanced anthro
knowledge than in _The G I_ , and in the Preface , he says production AND
the family are cofundamental in determining _history_.

  I sent this to Thaxis several years ago


For Women's Liberation : Whoever heard of a one genearation species ?

 Every Marxist knows the A,B,C's of historical
materialism or the materialist conception of history.
The history of all hitherto existing society, since the
breaking up of the ancient communes, is a
history of class struggles between oppressor and
         In The German Ideology, Marx and Engels
asserted an elementary anthropological or
"human nature" rationale for this conception.
In a section titled  (in one translation)
"History: Fundamental Conditions" , they say: involves before everything else
  eating and drinking, a habitation, clothing
and many other things.  The first historical
 act is thus the production of material life
itself. And indeed this is an historical act,
a fundamental condition of all history, which
today, as thousands of years ago, must daily
and hourly be fulfilled merely in order to sustain
human life.

    Production and economic classes are the
starting point of Marxist analysis of
human society because human life, like
all plant and animal life must fulfill biological
needs to exist as life at all. It is an appeal
to biologic ( anti-vulgar marxists , fancy
marxists to the contrary notwithstanding).
Whatever humans do that is "higher" than
plants and animals, we cannot do if we do
not first fulfill our plant/animal like needs.
Therefore, the "higher" (cultural, semiotic,ideological
etc.) human activities are limited by the productive
activities. This means that historical
materialism starts with human NATURE, our
natural species qualities.
     Yet, it is fundamental in biology that the
basic life sustaining processes of a species
are twofold.  There is obtaining the material means
of life and subsistence or success of survivial of
the living generation, for existence ("production").
But just as fundamentally there is reproduction or
success in creating a next generation of the
species that is fertile, and survives until it too
reproduces viable offspring. Whoever heard
of a one generation species ?  We can imagine a
group of living beings with the ultimate success
in eating and drinking, a habitation, clothing
and many other things. But if they do not
also reproduce, they are either not a species
or they are an extinct species (unless the individuals
are immortal)

      Thus, having premised their theory in part
on human biology, our "species-being",
Marx and Engels are logically obligated to
develop historical materialism based, not
only on the logic of subsistence production,
but also on the logic of next generation
    In The German Ideology, they did
recognize reproduction as a "fundamental
condition of history" along with production.
However, they give reproduction or, at
least, "the family" a subordinate "fundamental"
status to production when they say:

"The third circumstance which, from the
very outset, enters into historical development,
is that men, who daily remake their own life
begin to make other men, to propagate their
kind: the relation between man and woman,
parents and children, the  FAMILY. The family,
which to begin with is the only social
relationship, becomes later, when increased
needs create a new social relations and the
increased population new needs, a subordinate one..."

  My thesis here is that the mode of REPRODUCTION
(in the broad sense of all caring labor, including
but not limited to social institutions called "the"
family) of human beings remains throughout human
history equally fundamental with the mode of production
in shaping society,even with the "new social relations"
that come with "increased population". For there to be
history in the sense of many generations of men AND
women, all of the way up to Marx and Engels and us
today, men had to do more than "begin to make other
men".  Women and men had to COMPLETE making
next generations by sexually uniting and rearing them
for thousands of years. Otherwise, history would have
ended long ago. We would be an extinct species.
An essential characteristic of history is its existence in
the "medium" of multiple generations.  Thus, with
respect to historical materialism, reproduction is as
necessary as production.
    Not only that, In the above quoted passage,
Marx and Engels give reproduction a "subordinate",
"fundamental" condition of history status by the
following sleight of hand: in part population increase
makes reproduction less important in "entering into
historical development" as a "fundamental condition".
This is quite a misogynist dialectic, given that "men"
are in the first premise and the third premise, but
women are only mentioned explicitly in the latter. It
is also and idealist error, because the theory now
tends to abstract from the real social life of
individuals in reproduction.

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