> The class struggle in Zimbabwe is moving from the 
> Black bourgeoisie of that country mobilizing the 
> workers and landless peasants in that African country
> in its own class interests against "White settler-
> colonists" into a struggle in which the Zimbabwean
> worker's and peasants have come to be and think
> as a 'mind and will' of their own, class consciousness
> as opposed to bourgeois nationalist race consciousness.
> The ZANU-PF, while it is to be defended in the
> earlier stages of land expropriations of settler-
> capitalists by landless peasants, it has always
> been clear that this is a bourgeois-democratic
> extension of the liberation movement into the
> economics of the country-side, but the ZANU-PF
> socialist rhetoric has always been a sham. 
> Land reform or land redistribution has always been a
> component of the bourgeois democratic revolutions,
> whether the English Revolution in 1840, the Great
> French Revolution in its radical stages represented
> by the Committee of Public Safety Jacobins government,
> the Russian Revolution in 1917, 1921-8, or even the
> Chinese Revolution in the 1930-40s, and the Zapata
> factions in Southern Mexico in the Mexican Revolution
> in the early to mid-20th century. This kind of radical
> land redistribution in Zimbabwe was put on hold by
> the Lancaster Agreements in which the ZANU-PF shifted
> its alliance with the poor peasants and workers of
> Zimbabwe to the settler-capitalists, and subsequently
> with IMF.
> The Zimbabwe landless peasants led by the war veterans
> took matters into their own hands in the latter part
> of the 1990s, and continue to do so today. In need
> of their political support against the imperialist 
> supported "Movement for Democratic Change (MDF) the
> ZANU-PF government supported rather than opposed the
> land expropriations. Britain, Amnesty International,
> the American government (both the Clinton and the
> Bush administrations) and the Congressional Black
> Caucus and Trans-Africa and Black Radical Congress
> all came out in opposition to the land expropriations
> ostensibly in opposition to "Mugabe" the individual.
> While it is the duty of workers to defend the peasant's
> land expropriation, it is never to be with illusions
> that it has anything to do with socialism which is
> based in the proletariat in the agribusinesses as well
> as industries and mines themselves expropriating these
> productive forces not as individuals for private wealth
> but as collective class property for social wealth of
> the people of Zimbabwe, both these expropriations and
> management of expropriated bourgeois wealth must occur
> without regard to the race, tribe, religion or color
> of the capitalists being expropriated or of the workers
> doing the expropriating! 
> The article below shows that the ZANU-PF is as it has
> always been: the political party of the dominate factions
> of Zimbabwa's Black urban bourgeois (the peasants are 
> nothing but the rural bourgeois) now that the poorest
> of the peasants, following their class interests are now
> expropriating Black bourgeois property and are being
> chased from those properties by the ZANU-PF government's 
> state. 
> It is becoming clearer to African workers and even
> the poorer peasants that racial nationalism is nothing
> but the ideology of the African "Black" bourgeoisie,
> mobilizing African workers and peasants to pursue
> the interests of the African bourgeoisie in the liberation
> movements and wars. 
> Since for the past several decades the Black bourgeoisie
> has been in power, and have wrecked African civil societies,
> and wars of competition has broken out between the
> competiting factions of this bourgeoisie on the basis
> of supposed "tribal" interests, including ethnic wars,
> it is clear in Zimbabwe where the class content of these
> social wars is most advanced in consequence of the
> peasants risings (expropriations) -- now that these
> poorest peasants are expropriating the lands of 
> the African bourgeoisie and being repealed by the
> ZANU-PF state -- that the bourgeois democratic revolutions
> by the poor peasants land expropriations have to
> throw-off racial ideology and disassociate themselves
> from the bourgeois party in power (in this case in
> Zimbabwe ZANU-PF). 
> Only by forming an alliance with the wageworkers in 
> the factories, and mines, and yes, the wageworkers 
> on the farms - the expropriation of all the bourgeois 
> property in Zimbabwe, including the Black bourgeoisie - 
> can the peasants and workers of Zimbabwe advance the 
> permanent revolution! 
> Lil Joe
> =======
> Mail & Guardian (SA), 4 June
> Mugabe comes to crony's aid
> Godwin Gandu
> Harare - The Zimbabwean government has cracked the whip on an errant
> deputy
> minister for violating government policy and has ordered the minister of
> anti-corruption and anti-monopolies to launch an investigation into his
> activities. Deputy Information Minister Bright Matongo has been personally
> instructed by President Robert Mugabe to vacate land owned by Tom Beattie.
> Matongo and 15 war veterans invaded Chigwel farm in Chegutu in the prime
> commercial farmland in Mashonaland west, about 100km outside Harare, in
> May.
> The estate employs 1 200 workers and exports produce to the Middle East,
> Russia and Europe, raking in more than $1-million a year. Two weeks ago
> the
> Mail & Guardian reported that on August 31 2004 the Administrative Court
> of
> Zimbabwe issued a "notice of withdrawal" by the minister of lands,
> agriculture and rural resettlement from interests in "Tom Beattie family
> farms". Beattie claims he has already voluntarily allocated a "sizeable
> portion" of his land for resettlement purposes. A government source said:
> "Beattie is a Zanu PF supporter and had brought his problem to the
> attention
> of the party and government." Beattie has obtained a new court order
> preventing Matongo from coming within 100m of his property. The police
> have
> also removed the war veterans from his farm. Beattie told the M&G that he
> would be suing the deputy minister for damages and loss of production
> totalling Z$25-million. Workers have started repairing damage to the farm
> and production has resumed.
> Several studies have pointed to the government's fast-track land
> redistribution programme as the main reason for food and nutrition
> insecurity in Zimbabwe. A recent country-wide survey of communities
> indicated that 82% of districts reported widespread crop failure after
> poor
> rains in the last growing season. Mugabe this week told the United Nations
> humanitarian envoy and World Food Programme (WFP) director, James Morris,
> that he would welcome help in feeding about one-third of the population.
> "We
> want to see that hungry people will get the food they need," Morris said
> in
> Johannesburg, after leaving Harare on Wednesday. Extra food supplies are
> expected in about two months. The WFP will not distribute food directly to
> the general population but will be limited to school feeding programmes,
> home-based Aids care, and food for work schemes. The restricted scope of
> the
> aid will leave the Mugabe government in charge of providing food for the
> general population. Food security concerns have escalated in the past two
> weeks after a crackdown on informal traders and illegal shacks in urban
> centres, forced thousands of people to flee to rural areas where local
> chiefs have complained to Mugabe that rural folk are starving. More than
> 22
> 000 people have been arrested in police raids since last week. Meanwhile,
> the first session of Zimbabwe's Parliament since the March elections will
> be
> held on Thursday. The ruling Zanu PF is expected to table a proposal to
> create an upper house of Parliament for the first time since independence
> in
> 1980. 
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