The originals were certainly rubbish and needed revision. Your objections to the revisions need to be explained. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Ralph Dumain" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2005 10:11
Subject: Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] O, Dialectics! :Bakhurst

As I see it, your clarifications are even more nonsensical than your original statements.

"Science is the representation of reflections on practical labour activity rather than on social activity."

"Comment: it is the identity of the means of representation of ethics and of science both in conscious thought and in material symbolical form that is the source of confusion regarding the distinction between the ideal and the real."

This is pure Ilyenkov. He uses this argument to explain how ethical/cultural descriptions are given the status of statements on Nature. For example a statement that nature provides man with a natural calendar in the yearly solar and lunar cycles, a natural compass in the North star and a clock in the revolution of the zodiac and the daily changes of position of the sun are all pseudo-scientific statements about nature that accord to humanly created instruments the status of natural phenomena. On the one hand they accord to nature the tool-making faculty of man and on the other anthropomorphize nature imparting to it the purposes of men.

"Paragraph 53: It is this fact, incidentally, that explains the persistent survival of such "semantic substitutions"; indeed, when we are talking about nature, we are obliged to make use of the available language of natural science, the "language of science" with its established and generally understood "meanings". It is this, specifically, which forms the basis of the arguments of logical positivism, which quite consciously identifies "nature" with the "language" in which people talk and write about nature.

Paragraph 54: It will be appreciated that the main difficulty and, therefore, the main problem of philosophy is not to distinguish and counterpose everything that is "in the consciousness of the individual" to everything that is outside this individual consciousness (this is hardly ever difficult to do), but to delimit the world of collectively acknowledged notions, that is, the whole socially organised world of intellectual culture with all its stable and materially established universal patterns, and the real world as it exists outside and apart from its expression in these socially legitimised forms of "experience". (Ilyenkov The Concept of the Ideal 1977)

The delimitation of what Ilyenkov calls the "whole socially organised world of intellectual culture" and the "real world as it exists outside and apart from its expression in these socially legitimised forms of "experience." can only be based on the distinction between the socially learned and confirmed concepts or ideas of the tribe and the concepts formulated by reflecting on practical material activity, i.e. labour activity: the operations carried out, the physical and material response of the instruments and material of production to these activities and finally the effectivity of the operations relative to their purposes.

"the representation of scientific knowledge involves "hijacking" the mode of representation of ethos and using it to represent theories regarding the universal laws etc. involved in the practical realization of ideas through labour and regarding the relevance of these laws to the work at hand."

Let's put it this way. When we produce scientific theory the rational process for reflecting upon labour activity, i.e. the dialectical process and the tools we use to describe the outcomes of thought to others, i.e. language forms are exactly the same used by the idealist philosopher in his investigation and proclaimations concerning the ethical life and by the theologian in his construction and revelation of the true nature of god. The essential difference is in the subject of our rational activity and, social expression.

Ilyenkov (and I suggest Marx as well) argue that the ideal originates as a tool for regulation of social life and only later is appropriated (hijacked may be too strong a word) to the purposes of describing material reality (labour activity).

Does that help?

Utter nonsense! You started out with something original to say and now you're sabotaging your own efforts with this gibberish.

At 10:46 AM 6/21/2005 +0200, Victor wrote:

----- Original Message ----- From: "Ralph Dumain" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 21, 2005 10:17
Subject: Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] O, Dialectics! :Bakhurst

What in bloody hell does this mean?

At 09:32 AM 6/21/2005 +0200, Victor wrote:
Science is founded as ideas, but unlike Hegel's ideal (which as Marx put it is "as nothing else but the form of social activity represented in the thing or conversely the form of human creativity represented as a thing as an object") Science is the idea as a reflection on practical labour activity rather than on social activity.
Sorry, wrote this in a hurry.  It should read:
Scientific knowledge is represented in the form of ideas, but unlike the ideal (which as Marx put it is "as nothing else but the form of social activity represented in the thing or conversely the form of human creativity represented as a thing as an object") Science is the representation of reflections on practical labour activity rather than on social activity.

Comment: it is the identity of the means of representation of ethics and of science both in conscious thought and in material symbolical form that is the source of confusion regarding the distinction between the ideal and the real.
That is to say, in Science the idea is "hijacked" to formulate theories regarding the universal laws etc. involved in the practical realization of ideas through labour and regarding the relevance of these laws to the work at hand.
This should be rewritten to read:
That is, the representation of scientific knowledge involves "hijacking" the mode of representation of ethos and using it to represent theories regarding the universal laws etc. involved in the practical realization of ideas through labour and regarding the relevance of these laws to the work at hand.

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