Steve Gabosch 

a) where is ideality "located"?
I would answer a) "in cultural artifacts," using the term in its broadest 
possible sense (tools, signs, all human creations and observations, 
etc.)  I think you would answer a) "in representations."

CB: How about in the relationship between the representations and
represented ? Ideality is a relationship.


b) where is value "located"?
I would answer b) with "each particular commodity."  It appears that you 
would answer b) in concepts of commodities, but definitely not specific 

CB: Value is an abtraction. It has no concrete location.


c) what is the "essence" of ideality?
I would answer c) with "human activity."  You answer c) with

CB: Doesn't ideality guide human action, as imagination guides the human
laborer unlike the spider or ant or chimp ?


d) what is the "essence of value"?
I would answer d) with abstract labor, or socially determined necessary 
labor time.  I am not sure how you would answer this one.

CB: The esssence of an abtraction, would be its definition in symbols.


e) what is "represented" in a commodity?
I would answer e) in terms of particular commodities being a combination of 
concrete and abstract labor.  I am not yet clear on how you would answer 
this one.

CB: Abstract labor represents the concrete labor ?


f) what does the "stamping" of ideality on a cultural artifact?
I would answer f) direct human activity.  You answer f) the interpretation 
of the ideal through human activity, but I am not yet clear on what this 
precisely means.

CB: When an idea grips masses it becomes a material force, can make cultural
artifacts ?


There are several areas to clarify, but the pattern that seems to be 
emerging is that on several important issues I tend to think in terms of 
direct human activity where you tend to think in terms of concepts and 


- Steve

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