Liu's mystical-nationalist drivel is so similar to the arguments of the Hindutva fascists, who also have an affinity to neo-pagan fascists in the West, I neglected to qualify my outburst by specifying that Liu's argument was not based on India nor was it specifically about environmentalism. It seems that Liu is actually a Chinese nationalist and apologist for Chinese Stalinism. See, e.g.:

At 11:18 PM 7/24/2005 -0400, Ralph Dumain wrote:
You should think twice before subscribing to mystical right-wing propaganda in the name of environmentalism. This anti-montheistic rhetoric is not only unscientific nonsense, it is the very language of neo-fascist pagan and Hindutva cults. As for the existence or non-existence of scarcity, that is an empirical and not a mystical question. It is a disgrace for any Marxist--even a Stalinist--to promote such neo-Nazi filth.

At 10:39 PM 7/24/2005 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
<<<This is horseshit.  Who's the moron who wrote it?>>>

>The Coming Trade War and Global Depression
>Henry C.K. Liu
>Part 4:  Scarcity Economics and Overcapacity


The author name is clearly stated above. The source of the article was
included. Please define horseshit in philosophic terms. Below is more of the article
and why I forwarded as "scarcity as philosophy." Actually, scarcity as
ideology would have been more accurate.


"But the law of scarcity, like monotheism, is a baseless myth, because it
does not reflect the visible truth about the real world. The scarcity myth has
come to be regarded as a law in large measure through the enormous influence
that the Bible has exerted on the making of the Western mind, and thus the
Western fixation on material accumulation. There is ample evidence that scarcity is
the result of mal-distribution rather than a natural state."

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