Ralph Dumain: 

Yes, you are correct about Engels' assertion.  The question, remains,
though, was diamat used in productive or counterproductive ways, in
consonance with or contrary to Engels' prescription, on the part of his
successors?  Was Engels consistent himself in his various writings?  We can
examine this viz. the critical function of diamat or the constructive
function.  We have the historical examples of the Stalin and Mao disasters
when it comes to dialectical arguments in relation to the sciences,
mathematics, etc.


CB: Yes, I don't know if I am willing to write off all or even most of
Soviet or Chinese applications, ( or even Mao or Stalin applications) of
diamat as disasters, or deny any weren't glorious triumphs or whatever the
opposite of a disaster is I sciences and mathematics.  Soviet science and
mathematics is more developed than most in capitalist countries. When I was
in college honors , the physics and math honors majors had to take Russian
because so much of the advanced work was in the SU. 

In paleontology, Gould and Eldridge's theory was also discovered by Soviet
scientists. Punctuated equilibrium is pretty diamatty. The science of the
ecosphere or ecology of whole earth originates with a Soviet scientist.
There are quite a few other examples. Obviously , they are no slouches in
physics. I am not as familiar with China, but their overall approach seems
pretty atheist-materialist, and they don't seem to have much problem in
developing sciences.  You might want to specify the disasters you speak of,
but overall, I'd say diamat and Engels' ideas are a great triumph in its
influence on science in socialist societies.

 Russian & Soviet Science and Technology
by Loren R. Graham
History of Science Society Newsletter, Volume 18 No. 4 (Supplement 1989)
C 1989 by the History of Science Society, All rights reserved 



This is the fourth guide in the series Teaching the History of Science:
Resources and Strategies, published under the auspices of the Committee on
Education by the History of Science Society. These guides, written by
specialists, are intended for the use of historians of science as well as
general historians and any other teachers who wish to begin to revise a
history of science course or to incorporate new topics into an existing
course. The guides published in the Newsletter will be published, with other
essays, as a pamphlet in mid 1989. Earlier guides appeared in the July 1986,
April 1987, and Supplement 1988 issues of the Newsletter. The editorial
board for each guide is drawn from the Society's Committee on Education. The
committee welcomes comments on the value of these guides, as well as on
suggested topics for future guides. 


The history of science and technology in Russian and the Soviet Union is a
field of study that is underdeveloped in the West, and good books on the
subject in English or other West European languages are correspondingly
rare. Nonetheless, a number sources exist, as the following bibliography
illustrates. Because of the youth of the field and the difficulty in gaining
access to archives, the quality of existing works is uneven and the coverage
spotty. In recent years this situation has begun to improve. There is a
small but perceptible growth of interest in the history of Russian and
Soviet science and technology in research universities. At present a handful
of American universities--MIT, Harvard, Pennsylvania, Northwestern,
Georgetown, Columbia, Arizona, Oregon State--offer occasional courses on the
subject, but as yet no more than three or four senior American historians
are working full-time in the field.

The scarcity of good books in Western languages is not a result of the
inherent unimportance of the subject. Today the Soviet Union has the world's
largest community of scientists and engineers, exceeding that of the United
States by almost a third, and this community has deep historical roots.
Scientists and engineers in the tsarist empire had earned world fame for
their achievements. Among the best known were Nikolai Lobachevskii, the
first person to develop non-Euclidean geometry; Dmitrii Mendeleev, creator
of the periodic table of the chemical elements; and Ivan Pavlov, the noted
physiologist and the first Russian to receive a Nobel Prize. 

Most Americans are unaware that the development of science in Russia is
approximately as long as it is in the United States. Mikhail Lomonosov and
Benjamin Franklin, two of the most significant figures in the early history
of science in the two countries, lived at the same time and even did
research on some of the same topics, including electricity. Professional
societies in the two countries, such as the American Chemical Society and
the Russian Physico-Chemical Society, were founded in approximately the same
period. Indeed, America and Russia in the eighteenth and nineteenth
centuries shared geographic and geopolitical characteristics that influenced
science in the two countries in similar ways: both were outside the center
of world science at that time, Western Europe, and both were busy exploring
vast virgin lands, an activity that led to particular strengths in such
fields as botany, geology, and soil science. 

In some other important respects, however, the scientific traditions of the
two countries differ. Many observers have noted that Russia and the Soviet
Union have been strongest in fundamental science, particularly in
mathematics and theoretical physics (what some people call "blackboard
science") and weakest in applied science and engineering. American strength,
on the other hand, has, until recently, been in the applied sciences. 

Another distinguishing characteristic is that scientists and government
officials in Russia have always considered science to be closer to politics
than have their counterparts in the United States. The tsarist government
feared that Russian scientists who studied in Western Europe would bring
home not only scientific knowledge but also Western political theories in
conflict with those of the supporters of the Romanov autocracy. For their
part, Russian scientists usually considered themselves part of the
intelligentsia, with all the oppositional implications that this term
conveys. Like the government censors, Russian scientists often made no clear
distinction between science and politics. By the late nineteenth century
many Russian scientists believed that rational scientific knowledge
automatically led to criticism of state politics and the state-supported
form of the Russian Orthodox faith. Out of this inter-mixing of science and
politics arose many clashes, such as the refusal of tsarist censors to
publish Ivan Sechenov's work on physiological reflexes on the ground that it
supported atheism. 

After the Russian Revolution the new Soviet government adopted a very
positive attitude toward science but retained the view that science and
politics are interwoven. Almost every Soviet book on the history of science
in the USSR contains some reference to the official view that science and
Soviet socialism are mutually Supportive. The outside observer might note
that the Soviet government has indeed strongly supported science, but that
the history of Soviet science contains episodes such as the Lysenko affair,
illustrating that the influence of politics on science can be harmful as
well as beneficial. 

Counterbalancing the scarcity of good books on the history of Russian and
Soviet science in Western languages is a large body of literature on the
subject published in the Soviet Union in recent decades. The center of this
research is the Institute of the History of Science and Technology of the
Academy of Sciences of the USSR, located in Moscow. In just one series of
monographs entitled Scientific-Biographical Series (Nauchno-Biograficheskaia
Seriia) this institute has sponsored several hundred biographies of Russian
and Soviet scientists, almost all of them written in Russian. The Academy of
Sciences has also put out an overview in English of work in Russian: The
History of Science: Soviet Research, 2 vols. (Moscow, 1985). Although this
literature can be used profitably by the Western scholar who knows the
Russian language, much of it is flawed by being written from an
internalistic and nationalistic point of view. Some of the best Soviet
pieces in English on the history of Soviet science can be found in the
Dictionary of Scientific Biography, where significant deceased Russian and
Soviet scientists are described. Users of this source should be sure to
check the supplementary volumes for articles written after the editors
decided to drop the rule that only Soviet authors could write about Soviet

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