The health crisis in America, being highlighted in real time by Mr. Michael  
Moore’s movie “Sicko” and Kevin Trueadeu’s books of defection from the ivory 
 towers of the intellectual bourgeoisie - “Natural Cures and More Natural  ’
Cures‘,.’ expresses a very real crisis in America that goes beyond the  
bourgeois shape of production or the bourgeois shape of what constitutes health 
and crisis. 
There is no need to be stuck in old forms of class strife and modes of  
thinking characteristic of the middle and last phase of industrial development. 
The health crisis as the crisis of obesity in America opens the door to a  
different kind of dialogue.  
The health care crisis is far to often defined in ways that rivet on the  
ability of the individual to access the medical super/infra/structure or the  
modern money economy. Roughly 45 - 50 million people in America have no form of 
health insurance - money, to access the system. To his credit, Mr. Trueadeu 
puts  forth a more sophisticated concept of the health crisis as a combination 
of  wrong eating, overeating, a drug culture and a wrong science of the human 
body  perpetrated by an economic and political system driven by big pharma, the 
food  industry, the national food outlet (chains), the professional medical  
establishment and its various associations; and government in the form of the  
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and 
 all the representatives in Congress funded by these economic and political  
A system of national health care allowing individuals access to the medical  
industry, even if they have no money, is desirable, but cannot solve the 
health  care crisis because it is rooted in the drug culture, wrong and  
over-consumption. If wrong consumption (eating) and over-consumption, eating to 
are the alpha and omega of the health crisis in America, and it is, then  the 
fundamental solution to this crisis is self evident and obvious. The sheer  
obviousness of this proposition is the reason it has escaped critical  
examination by thousands of generations. 
There is no rational explanation for the rampant use of prescription and  
over the counter drug use in our society other than profit motive. There is no  
rational explanation for the production and sell of most food-stuff (eatable  
material) in our society other than profit motive. Trudeau’s books present a  
devastating indictment of the food, medical and pharmaceutical business and  
corporations and how big pharma controls media outlets. And then presents  
evidence of the payoffs - bribery, used by these industries to create and pass  
laws to protect their profits. Moore‘s movie “sicko“ does a reasonably good job 
is putting on the big screen the cash sums American politicians receive from 
the  “medical and sickness“ industries. 
To criticize the health industry is to challenge a complex of profit making  
industries that rival - if not exceed, the energy sector. The health industry 
is  not just hospitals and criticism of the industry is not a knee jerk 
reaction to  modern medical technology and pharmaceuticals. Much of modern 
technology  and drugs can play a legitimate role in society in saving the 
individual facing  an immediate catastrophic life ending crisis. However, the 
health crisis in  America does not arise from a series of catastrophic events 
300 million  people face immediate death and require extreme measures. The 
health care crisis  in America is a crisis of wrong and over consumption, today 
expressed as a  crisis of obesity, and a historically wrong view of the human 
body  itself.   


Genesis 1:28 God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and  increase in 
number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea  and the 
birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the  ground." 
29 Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the  
whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours  
for food. 
Genesis 2:8 Now the Lord God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and  
there he put the man he had formed. 9 And the Lord God made all kinds of trees 
 grow out of the ground--trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for 
[1] And he showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal,  
proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb.
[2] In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was  
there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her  
fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree (herbs, I.e., green leaves) were  
for the healing of the nations.

Although, a more than less self taught student of the materialist  conception 
of history, including Biblical interpretation, as a child I grew up  in the 
Christian church and specifically what was then called “the Negro  Church.” To 
this very day I enjoy much of the material in “the Books of Moses,”  as well 
as various ancient writings like the Books of Enoch and Macabees 4 . 
Wrong eating and over-consumption contains some of the oldest stories of  
history in most cultures. The most vicious disputes one will encounter in  
America is over food and even questioning what our society puts into its  
body is to draw the fire of the minion of the bourgeois order.  Discussions 
of peak oil, energy sustainability or global warming pale in  comparison. The 
concept “wrong food” and “wrong eating” as a scientific and  theoretically 
sound framework of history inquiry is worth pursuing.  
The ideological and theoretical reflection, stating that human history  
begins with the hunter-gatherer, rather than the gathering society, is  
increasingly unsustainable and devoid of science. Most so-called scientific  
governing eating and health is a combination of historical ignorance,  outright 
and today clever propaganda by corporations in pursuit of profits.  Healthy 
life expectancy in America has been falling and recorded for the past 30  
On this issue of our species history beginning as meat eaters, religious  
theology is light years ahead of many of the philosophies and theories of the  
materialists, because it suggests and admits in scripture that our species  
existence begins in the garden metaphor, or as a species of gatherers, then  
and cereals. Hunting flesh and domestication of animals comes later in our  
Religious theology world wide, and various ancient concepts of human  
existence, also admits that something called “purified flesh” is to be striven  
as the highest state of bodily and spiritual enlightenment. Religious  
theology however suffers from its own bodily corruption and degeneration.  
as simple as “purified flesh,” which to a child should mean “purifying  the 
flesh - body” is converted into a philosophic concept and belief in  redemption 
on the basis of mental contemplation.  
This is not to say that meat is the worst thing one can eat, because it is  
not. It is to say that 99% of what we consume as food today, is not the meaning 
 of food at all, but substances and products that serve as vehicles for 
profit  making. In the language of Marxism, these products become so much “
bourgeois  need” and simultaneously serve as its condition and precondition for 
reproduction. Real food can of course be sold and is sold for profit but that 
not the point at all. The point is that access to real food is controlled and  
the masses are offered eatable stuff - products, which not only makes them 
sick  and unhealthy, but ensures they are trapped in the logic of what appears 
 addiction. This addiction arises and sustains itself on the basis of wrong  
eating and over eating. 
Mr. Trudeau’s books explain, on the basis of insight of medical  
practitioners and healers, in laypersons terms, how to break this specific 
cycle  of 
addiction and obsession.  What the various voices of these medical  
and healers do not explain is why and how the body works and why  it has the 
ability to consume virtually any “food stuff” . . . and then rid  itself of 
toxic build up. A more than less detailed explanation of the body’s  tube like 
elastic system, based on concepts of the late Professor Arnold Ehert,  will be 
presented later.   

The inescapable drive of  human history at all stages is the struggle for 
food and subsistence, against a  real and perceived scarcity, and its resultant 
expression as the collision of  ideas and the struggle of classes. This is 
going to get complicated because the  most radical amongst us find it difficult 
escape the inherited and reshaped  ideology of our historical bourgeoisie. In 
America and indeed the world market,  the modern bourgeoisie inherited wrong 
and insane thinking, rooted in thousands  of years of wrong consumption. 
This struggle for nutrition creates all the seemingly metaphysical passions  
driving human history in the world in which we live. The struggle for food and 
 sustenance is a historically evolved form of the struggle for nutrition. 
This is  not to say that the metaphysical does not build upon itself and then 
mediate  itself. 
Why do we do what we do and behave as we behave and eat what we eat?   You 
are what you eat my friend and this basic static proposition is not going to  
away or be explained away by intellectual gibberish. 

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