
The Common Fundamental Cause in the Nature of Diseases
All the phases of the process of development of the medical science  
including those of the earliest periods of civilization, have in their way of  
understanding the casual nature of diseases, that one thing in common i.e.: 
that  the 
diseases, owing to external causes, enter into the human body and thus, by  
force of a necessary or at least unavoidable law, disturb the body in its  
existence, cause it pain and at last destroy it. Even modern medical science, 
matter how scientifically enlightened it pretends to be, has not quite turned  
away from this basic note of demoniac interpretation. In fact, the most 
modern  achievement, bacteriology, rejoices over every newly discovered 
bacillus as 
a  further addition to the army of beings whose accepted task it is to 
endanger the  life of man.

Looking at it from a philosophical standpoint, this  interpretation differs 
from the mediaeval superstition and the period of  fetishism only in the 
supplemental name. Formerly it was an "evil spirit," which  imagination went so 
as to believe in "satanic personages"; now this same  dangerous monster is a 
microscopically visible being whose existence has been  proven beyond any doubt.

The matter, it is true, has still a great  drawback in the so-called 
"disposition" — a fine word! — But what we really are  to understand by it, 
has ever told us. All the tests on animals, with  their symptom-reactions, do 
not prove anything sure, because these occur only by  means of injection into 
the blood-circulation and never by introduction into the  digestive channel 
through the mouth.

There is something true  in the conception of "external invasion" of a 
disease, as well as in heredity,  however not in the sense that the invader is 
spirit (demon) hostile to life,  or a microscopic being (bacillus); but all 
diseases without exception, even the  hereditary, are caused — disregarding a 
other hygienic causes — by  biologically wrong, "unnatural" food and by each 
ounce of over-nourishment, only  and exclusively.

First of all I maintain that in all diseases  without exception there exists 
a tendency by the organism to secrete mucus, and  in case of a more advanced 
stage — pus (decomposed blood). Of course every  healthy organism must also 
contain a certain mucus — lymph, a fatty substance of  the bowels, etc., of a 
mucus nature. Every expert will admit this in all  catarrhalic cases, from a 
harmless cold in the nose to inflammation of the lungs  and consumption, as 
as in epilepsy (attacks showing froth at the mouth,  mucus). Where this 
secretion of mucus does not show freely and openly, as in  cases of ear, eye, 
skin or 
stomach trouble, heart diseases, rheumatism, gout,  etc., even in all degrees 
of insanity, mucus is the main factor of the illness.  The natural 
secretive-organs unable to cope with it longer, the mucus enters the  blood 
heat, inflammation, pain and fever at the respective spot where  the 
is probably contracted owing to an over-cooling fever (cold),  heat, 
inflammation, pain, fever, etc.

We need only to give a  patient of any kind nothing but "mucusless" food, for 
instance; fruit or even  nothing but water or lemonade; we then find that the 
entire digestive energy,  freed for the first time, throws itself upon the 
mucus-matters, accumulated  since childhood and frequently hardened, as well as 
on the "pathologic beds"  formed therefrom. And the result? With unconditional 
certainty this mucus which  I mark as the common basic and main cause of all 
diseases will appear in the  urine and in the excrements. If the disease is 
already somewhat advanced so that  in some spot, even in the innermost 
there have appeared pathologic  beds, i.e., decomposed cellular tissues, then 
pus is also being secreted. As  soon as the introduction of mucus by means of 
"artificial food," fat meat,  bread, potatoes, farinaceous products, rice, 
milk, etc., ceases, the  blood-circulation attacks the mucus and the pus of the 
body themselves and  secretes them through the urine, and in the case of 
heavily infected bodies,  even through all the openings at their command as 
well as 
through the mucus  membranes.

If potatoes, grain-meal, rice or the respective  meat-materials are boiled 
long enough, we receive jelly-like slime (mucus) or  paste used by bookbinders 
and carpenters. This mucus substance soon becomes  sour, ferments, and forms a 
bed for fungi, moulds and bacilli. In the digestion,  which is nothing else 
but a boiling, a combustion, this slime or paste is being  secreted in the same 
manner, for the blood can use only the exdigested sugar  transformed from 
starch. The secreted matter, the superfluous product, i.e.,  this paste or 
is being completely excreted in the beginning. It is,  therefore, easy to 
understand that in the course of life the intestines and the  stomach are 
gradually being pasted and slimed up to such an extent that this  paste of 
floral and 
this slime of faunal origin turn into fermentation, clog up  the blood-vessels 
and finally decompose the stagnated blood. If figs, dates or  grapes are boile
d down thick enough we also receive a pap which, however, does  not turn to

Arnold Ehret “Rational Fasting”

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