Well Obama's up from the ashes story just never sat very well with me.
Sure, it's a typical pattern of single moms of all races that they end
up working for the Ford Foundation in the 1960s. Geraldine Ferraro got
it so wrong. Obama is where he is because his mother was white and of
fairly privileged background. His humble pie myth isn't even as
convincing as Bill Clinton's. But I don't think all that background
will keep him from being a categorically different president. So far
though his relations with the Democratic Party elite are not
indicating much good. If McCain could coax Colin Powell out of his
shame-faced retirement from politics, the Dems are in big trouble.
Would the Dems call him out for being guilty of what most of what they
themselves are guilty of? That is, of going along with the 'WMD lies'
and related intel apparatus misinformation in order to create future


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