Van Heijenoort critiques Engels on imaginary numbers , I believe.

Marxism-Thaxis] Novack vs. Van Heijenoort on dialectics, 1943
Steve Gabosch bebop101 at 
Fri Feb 25 19:01:33 MST 2005 

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Yes, that would be an interesting discussion to read.  Where does one get 
SWP internal bulletins from the 1940's?

I notice, Ralph, the occasional disparaging remark about Engels and the one 
below about Novack.  I think I can make a case that while one may disagree 
with their views, their writings and thinking emanated from world views 
that were based on a scientific methodology, not on idiosyncratic 
intellectual inventions, muddled thinking, or just plain subjectivism.  I 
think I can also make a case, even more controversial for some, that Marx 
and Engels were consistent, and, furthermore, Novack was reasonably 
consistent with them.  That last one is especially controversial, of 
course.  And as for the problem of "dialectical laws," I think Novack 
explains or defends the concept pretty well, along the lines that Engels 
used it.  But of course, these are just opinions subject to critique and 
debate, which I hope we get some time down the road to explore some.  I am 
sure I would learn from that.  But not right now!  Gotta get back to these 
other matters ....

And thanks again for the rich supply of references and ideas and urls you 
have been offering, very much appreciated.

~ Steve

At 03:33 AM 2/25/2005 -0500, Ralph Dumain wrote:
>I have stumbled onto some long sought material in my files, i.e. my notes 
>from 1991 on debates on dialectics conducted under pseudonyms, featuring 
>William Warde (George Novack) and Marc Loris (Jean Van Heijenoort), with 
>interventions by John G. Wright, J. Weber, George Sanders, Irwin Hyper & 
>Buddy Lens, and Ben Maxson.  (I haven't checked my pseudonyms lists to 
>determine who's who).  It turns out that I even have a text file of my 
>notes.  I can't remember whether these e-mail lists allow attachments, but 
>one way or another I could easily send my file.  The question is: would 
>anyone be able to understand my fragmentary notes?
>I had assumed that this material came from the very rare international 
>bulletins of the 4th International (which I believe I also checked), but 
>rather it's in the relatively (and I mean only relatively) more accessible 
>SWP internal bulletins.  I guess I was too cheap to have all this stuff 
>photocopied when I researched it in New York 14 years ago.
>I was hoping to put the articles by Van Heijenoort online, but 
>unfortunately I only have a photocopy of a relatively trivial piece:
>Internal Bulletin, vol. V, no. 5, Dec. 1943: p. 31-35.
>I also have a photocopy of two pages by George Sanders on the dialectics 
>of tonality in music (Vol. V, no. 4, Oct. 1943: p. 14-15). Why I don't know.
>All of this discussion was a reaction to Novack's (Warde)  DIALECTICAL 
>MATERIALISM, OUTLINE COURSE #3 (National Education Dept., SWP (1943), 52 pp.).
>The debates that matter are found in:
>SWP.  Internal Bulletin,
>vol. 5, no. 2, July 1943. 28 pp.
>Vol. V, no. 4, Oct. 1943. 15 pp.
>vol. V, no. 5, Dec. 1943. 35 pp.
>I don't have the wherewithal at the moment to track down this material 
>(the repositories I know are in New York or Berkeley/S.F.) and get it 
>photocopied, but if anyone else is game, let me know.
>My general evaluation is that Van Heijenoort had something important to 
>say about the distinction and evaluation of the notions of subjective and 
>objective dialectics, and Novack had his finger up his ass as usual.  The 
>other commentators took sides and there may be something interested in 
>whoever backed Van Heijenoort.
>Van Hiejenoort used antoerh pseudonym, Gerland, and there's at least one 
>relevant article in THE NEW INTERNATIONAL.  It may have been "The Algebra 
>of Revolution".  I thought I had a photocopy somewhere, but damned if I 
>know where.
>Anyway, this is Van Heijenoort's prehistory, which is why I would like to 
>find the material.  As Irving Anellis reports, Van Heijenoort does not 
>report discussing dialectics in WITH TROTSKY IN EXILE, probably because 
>Trotsky was such a dogmatic prick Van Heijenoort didn't want to make 
>trouble for himself.
>I'll upload my notes if anyone's interested.

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